The Everyman

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Name Shu'uk-Raa (Alias "The Everyman", "The Wandering Prince", "The Prince of Masks")
Gender Male
Born Unknown
Height Approx. 5'10"
Weight Approx. 180 lbs.
Hair Brown
Race Nameless One
Affinity Void
Alignment Lawful Evil
Weapon of Choice Deceit
Affiliation N/A
First Appearance Slotheim Manor (Forum Saga)
Player Tyler & Robert

"Do not be concerned with me. I am just an ordinary everyman."
—The Everyman


The Everyman is the current title attributed to Shu'uk-Raa, the only Nameless One presently outside of the Eight Legends' binding enchantment. His main appearance is that of an average Human male of around 35 years of age, although this is not his original form. The Everyman is known particularly among the Nameless Ones for his inclination toward deceit and false personae, adopting whatever act currently best suits his needs, whether it be that of an enthusiastic ex-Nameless, or a strange, bumbling fool.

The Everyman once went by the title of the Wandering Prince, prior to being sealed by the Legends. In March of 2326, a figurine of him was discovered beneath a set of Ibadian ruins, alongside those of two of his kin.

At some point after his escape from the binding enchantment, he began searching Disparatus for means of breaking it entirely, carefully investigating reports of beings with great power. In the original version of events, he met up with a version of Ganchi Hiaba at some point after July 2324, aiding him in using the red Laquir to break the barrier protecting the universe, both allowing Ganchi to travel into the past, and greatly fracturing the seal over the Nameless Ones as the Everyman desired.

Although history changed from these actions, the Everyman's nature allowed him to remember the original version of events. Thus, instead of striking up a deal with Ganchi, in July 2324 he struck up one with Adam Rell to obtain a Laquir for him to use in shattering the remainder of the barrier, although this fell through with Rell's death.

In July 2335, he met up with Lucas, Ánië, Sye, and Stranger in Ibadia. Pretending to be working to seal the Nameless Ones away, he took them to the Black Island, where he tricked them into using their powers through Sye's Laquir to tear the barrier apart. However, due to a warning from the version of Ganchi the Everyman had used to crack the barrier initially, they saw through this ruse and instead used the Aether streaming out of the prison to attack him directly, causing his physical form to dissipate while they finished closing off the hole in the barrier.

In July 2327, he assumed the identity of Ron Smith, a United Provinces federal agent he had killed, and aided a group in fighting off the Anurdain invasion of Belhas. He did this primarily to investigate Anurdain's plans to free themselves from the Nameless Prison.

In February 2328, he went after Lucas and his family, hoping to use their connection to worlds far from Disparatus and Earth to further his plans. He later attempted to take control of Lucas' mind in Ibadia, which led to Roxy, Mortimer, and Sye tracking him down and goading him into battle, forcing him to take his ancient Ibadian combat form for the first time since being sealed away. Their combined power overpowered him and completely destroyed that particular form, ending his control over Lucas.