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Name Elves
Classification Mortal
Age Expectancy Usually 400+
Average Height Any
Average Weight Any
Body Normal
Spirit Enhanced
Soul Normal
Preferred Weapons Energy
Owner Kristen (Formerly Alicia)


For centuries, Elves have lived amongst the inhabitants of Earth. They have developed their own nirvana in a world of almost barbaric nature in comparison to it's sister. They tend to keep to themselves after many centuries of hardships with other races and even each other. At one time, both Dark and High Elves resided together but this came to a halt when deceit caught up to them.

Dark Elves have been banished from the land of Alfheim and the only other settlement of Elves can be found on Disparatus in the heart of Alibaas. Those that chose to seek the wonders of Disparatus are still close to their place of origin but seek the knowledge that can be gained on the advanced world. Elders left behind in Alfheim bear a deep and resounding hatred and resentment for other races and their darker brethren.


Now peaceful and quietly secluded, Elves of old remember a time where existence was much more difficult. Long before much written history of Earth and Disparatus was recorded, wars reigned for balance and control over land. During this time, the Elves fought much the same as today.

They were not technologically advanced and did not approve of firearms. They spent many decades and even centuries perfecting their own personal love for their enchanted lives. Though seen as primitive, they were a force to be reckoned with when fighting along side their darker brethren. Unfortunately, due to lives lost, they became scarce and scattered.

After wars and time, the Elves that had survived gathered together once more. They formed a high council of Elders, deciding they deserved their own peace in the world of man and beast. This involved both High and Dark Elves.

Many centuries later, after much work and sought after knowledge of the world and even growing population around them, the High Council was successful in regathering the rest of their kind. They all came together to rest in the land of Alfheim.

Unfortunately, things could not stay peaceful forever. There was disruption in the ranks of council members. The Dark Elves accused the others of unfair laws. Eventually, the Dark Elves rebelled and attempted an inner war. They were conquered and cast away, banished from Alfheim. These Elves live in darker parts of the world, having mostly separated. They are even more rare than the High Elves, many having died off. They live for revenge now, wanting to take back what they believe should be theirs.

Today, there are a few scattered villages of Elves who have embarked on journeys of knowledge from the world of Disparatus. The only discovered village was in Disparatus. During the plague of 2318, this village dispersed and rejoined their brothers of old once again in the land of Elves. It is not known if they returned to Disparatus in the following years.

Noteworthy Elves

The Elders of the Council nominate a new member every few centuries or so, depending on need. This new member is then taught the knowledge needed to protect his/her land. From there, they are made representative for affairs of the Elves. When an Elder member of the council finally moves on, the representative takes his/her place and the process begins again. The choice is made on skill, ability to learn what is needed and personal character. Screenings are made decades in advance while new members are considered.

Known Positions

Eldest of Council: Sehdim Bannizea - She has spent many centuries and is one of two left from the wars of old. She has seen her people live peacefully but secluded lives. She worries for them but cannot feel too badly when it means their safety.

Representative of Council: Daeis Cyredanea - Has recently been nominated into position by the High Council Elders. Unfortunately, this has happened just recently. The events leading up to his nomination have become fuzzy. There was a younger, more qualified Elf, but she has since vanished, last heard of before all of the strange memory losses.

Army General: Beran Arcamenal - Beran has lead the army for the past four centuries. He is a weathered soldier and even envies the elders for having fought the greatest battle of their people. His wife, Idril, lead a group of explorers to Disparatus and began a small village in the heart of Alibaas. There, she learned great enchantments and has gone on to teach those she feels will not abuse the gift. They have two daughters.

Racial Passive

Glory of the Elders (Racial Passive): Elves are a long-lived people, and one of the most ancient races of Earth. While not the most physically powerful of beings, Elves make up for it in their inner strength and natural skills.
Positives: Knowledge: Nature for free. Whenever an Elf rolls a 1 to 5 on a d100 roll in combat, they recover 5 STM. Once per battle, Elves can perform an extra Quick Action at the cost of an additional 15 Stamina on top of its normal cost. Must take one Sub-Racial passive.
Negatives: -10 Strength. Whenever an Elf rolls a 96 to 100 on a d100 roll in combat, they lose 5 STM. (If they have 0 STM, nothing happens.)


Wood Elf (Sub-Racial): The more well-known type of elves, Wood Elves primarily hail from the land of Alfheim. Many are prone to considering themselves above other races, but also possess a curiosity toward the specialties of these races.
Positives: +10 Perception, +10 Speechcraft. +2 free Knowledges. Wood Elves deal +5 PLM damage with all attacks within a natural environment, such as a forest or meadow.
Negatives: -10 penalty to Awareness rolls in darkness.

Dark Elf (Sub-Racial): Long since exiled from Alfheim, the darker skinned elves have no true home to call their own. They often live secretive lives, and have adapted a number of useful skills to survive the harshness of the underworld.
Positives: +10 Stealth, +10 Deceit. Receive the Blind Fighting universal passive for free at level 1. For the cost of a Quick Action and 15 Stamina, Dark Elves can create a magical globe of darkness over a single zone (or an area of about ten feet in diameter in RP), which lasts 2 rounds.
Negatives: -10 penalty to Awareness rolls in daylight.


See article: Buí