Dice Rape
Jared: Using Back Down.
Jared: 50 Charisma.
OnlineHost: Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 97
Tyler: ...
Tyler: :|
Jared: 147
Kristen: (wow)
Kevin2: I can't even beat that with 100.
Alicia has left the room.
Tyler: Alicia backed down.)
Jared: (XD!)
Kevin2: Luffy suddenly finds himself backing off for no reason, totally out of character.
Tyler: ...Wait.)
Tyler: "This has a minimum Difficulty Level of 3, and the DL increases by 1 for every level below 4 Affection the character has you at.")
Tyler: (What is Luffy's affection for Nyogotha?)
Kevin2: 3.
Tyler: (Then DL4. Does Luffy have WLP?)
Kevin2: 20.
Tyler: (Then he has a shot.)
Tyler: DL4 is +40.)
Jared: (Roll, Kevin.)
OnlineHost: Kevin2 rolled 1 100-sided die: 86
Tyler: ...
Nick: ...)
Tyler: 146.
Tyler: Lost by 1.
Jared: (XD!)
Tyler: (That is the best roll.)
Steve: (oh wow I lol'd)
Kristen: (xD
Jared: (That's amazing.)
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 67
OnlineHost: Nick rolled 1 100-sided die: 96
Alicia: 87
Nick: +50
OnlineHost: James rolled 1 100-sided die: 93
Alicia: 96 + 50
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 98
James: 93+50
OnlineHost: Steve rolled 1 100-sided die: 2
Tyler: DL 4 ths time--
Tyler: oh
Steve: . . .
Nick: Holy shit, wow
Tyler: uh
Steve: +0
Isabel: (... Huh.)
Tyler: Michael notices that THE LIGHTS ARE ON
Alicia: "Sleepy.. you're gettin' tired..." Marie swings the watch. She's a little disturbed by the eyes.
Jared: 5 WLP
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 100
Tyler: :|
Jared: :|
Steve: ...well)
OnlineHost: Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 2
Jared: :|
Tyler: :|
Isabel: (XD!)
Tyler: Amazing.
Jared: Roll your AWA and your ATH together.
Tyler: Do I roll twice?
Jared: Aye
Jared: twice.
Tyler: Okay.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 2 100-sided dice: 1 100
Tyler: ...
Tyler: :|
Steve: . .
Isabel: (...)
Isabel: (XD!)
Jared: (XD!!!)
Kristen: (XD
Janell: (Fight the power indeed!)
Aaron: (That's actually hilarious.)
Janell: Aria eyes Jolene dully, blinks once or twice, then awaits Faulkner to hold the door open for herself and all her guests. She stands in front of a dinner table. "For those of you that ended up here after the market ordeal, my name is Aria DiBellamont. Please, have a seat and refrain from destroying anything. My maids will have beverages out shortly."
Janell: Faulkner clears his throat and leans to Aria, whispering something that causes her to grimace. "...I meant maid, apparently."
Tyler: Aria then hires Drago as a new maid.
Jared: ^
Janell: ^
Janell: omg someone draw that please.
Jared: "Need a maid? I am Maid extradonaire."
Jared: 100 Deceit.
Jared: I am serious.
Tyler: AWA of Aria?
Janell: ....you better be kidding. >>
Jared: I am not kidding.
Jared: I am deadly serious.
Jared: DEADLY.
Janell: 35
Tyler: ROLL
Janell: >=(
OnlineHost: Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 17
Jared: 117
Tyler: You have a chance!)
OnlineHost: Janell rolled 1 100-sided die: 81
Tyler: ...
Tyler: 116.
Aaron: XD
Tyler: Wow.
Tyler: Jared wins by 1.
Jared: She barely believs it.
Janell: ...Can I pull the he screwed me in BR card yet? >>
Aaron: I need 10 Ruby, 10 Sapphire, 10 Jade and 6 Ojo Powder. I guess roll for as much of that as you're comfortable with.
Tyler: Okay, let's see. One moment.
Tyler: All are D-Rank. I'll try 2 Ruby, 2 Sapphire, 2 Jade, 1 Ojo Powder. 50 HRV, so need to beat 20.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 5
Tyler: ...
Tyler: Sorry.
Tyler: Wow.
Aaron: That's just the absolute worst luck ever.
Tyler: Yep.
Isabel: Okay. Looking for 3 gold and... 1 paper, so I don't waste that last 10.
Isabel: Autosuccess.
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 3 4-sided dice: 1 1 2
Isabel: Oh, fuck you, dice.
Isabel: 4 GOLD
Aaron: ugh
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 1 8-sided die: 3
Isabel: 3 Paper.
Isabel: This is the worst thing.
Aaron: Yeah.
Tyler: Better than my roll.
Aaron: That was pretty bad.
Aaron: all right you nerdlets
Aaron: I have to study for a final in the morning. I'm going to fail it, but hey.
Aaron: bye
Isabel: Good luck.
Aaron: thanks i guess
Tyler: 20% chance of Aaron failing.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 15
Tyler: ...
Isabel: ...
Tyler: Failed.
Steve: . . .
Aaron: :<
Isabel: Can you just post the entire chat today into the dice rape article?
Tyler: maybe
Isabel: Okay, Blacksmithing now at 65. Attempting accessory upgrades.
Tyler: YAY
Isabel: Requirement is 80 for each. 65 BLK. Needs to beat 15 x 3.
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 3 100-sided dice: 9 64 68
Tyler: NOOOO
Isabel: =|
Tyler: *Kicks Isabel*
DS: aw
Isabel: ow
Isabel: YEAH
Isabel i mean aw
Tyler: Posted.
Isabel: Marianne needs to beat 5.
Tyler: uh oh
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 6
Tyler: ...
Isabel: ...
Tyler: Wow.
Tyler: That was close.
Tyler: Watch it be double-1.
Isabel: Heh. Yeah.
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 2 2-sided dice: 1 1
Isabel: ...
Tyler: ...
Tyler: WHY
Isabel: Dice, you're awful.
Isabel: Just awful.
Isabel: (I'm =|ing pretty hard.)
Isabel: Also, the gas is still filtering in. Everyone roll WLP.
Tyler: (Are we missing something obvious? Aside from the sleeping gas still filling-- Yeah.)
Tyler: 0 WLP
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 6
Isabel: =|
Robert: 30 WLP
OnlineHost: Robert rolled 1 100-sided die: 81
Robert: 111
Robert: Simon looks at Karr collapse, then moves over to the door, which he pulls/pushes shut
Isabel: It's not nearly enough to knock someone out yet, but Karr still manages to collapse.
Isabel: He just sucked that badly.
Isabel: Simon's fine.
Tyler: (The one person who was just about to shut the door before Izzy said to roll gets hit.)
Isabel: (XD)
Tyler: (I seriously was just about to.)
Daniel: She grimaces. "Well. Sword guy, your blade looks nifty, give it a shot." She turns to the rest of them and their various surprised expressions "What, never kidnapped anyone with the line, "Does this cloth smell like Sleeping draught to you?"
OnlineHost: Daniel rolled 1 100-sided die: 98
Daniel: Psht.
Tyler: (Wow.)
Isabel: Cordelia feels more awake!
OnlineHost: DS rolled 1 100-sided die: 96
Daniel: Fuck yeah, man.
Isabel: Adrien also feels more awake.
Daniel: We need to put those two rolls somewhere.
Daniel: Jeez, 96, 98?
Tyler: (Anti-Dice-Rape)
Tyler: (The dice were making up for my failure.)
DS: (you get 1d8 cotton per unit)
Isabel: (ALL OF IT)
Tyler: (Did Cordelia get the cotton?)
Isabel: (Cordelia drowns in cotton.)
OnlineHost: Daniel rolled 3 6-sided dice: 4 3 6
Daniel: ...
Tyler: (AHHH)
Daniel: Dammit I can't roll right.)
OnlineHost: Daniel rolled 3 8-sided dice: 2 1 2
Isabel: (oh)
Daniel: ...
Robert: ((Aw))
Tyler: (...Wow.)
Daniel: Ygtbfkm.
DS: (Hahahahahaha)
Tyler: (The best dice.)
Isabel: (I almost feel like this qualifies for dice rape,because what.)
Daniel: Should I like, roll to track that chick woman person?
Tyler: Have to beat an 85 with AWA
Daniel: Need to roll a forty or better.
Daniel: hahhaha
OnlineHost: Daniel rolled 1 100-sided die: 23
Tyler: :|
Daniel: Why do I roll dice, tyler?
Daniel: Why?
Tyler: Heh
Tyler: Rob, your roll now.
Tyler: Have to beat an 85 with AWA
Robert: Alrighty
Robert: 25 AWA
OnlineHost: Robert rolled 1 100-sided die: 39
Robert: NOPE
Tyler: okay sye now
Tyler: 50 AWA
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 10
Tyler: :|
Nick: :|
Aaron: ...
Tyler: Okay.
Tyler: Dice.
Nick: gg
Aaron: This was fantastic.
Tyler: I just...
Tyler: shush aaron
Daniel: gg i quit
Aaron: Thank you for that.
Tyler: Have to beat 110 to create. 75 ENC. So need 35 or more.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 3
Tyler: oh look
Tyler: the dice
Tyler: still hate us
Nick: *claps*
Tyler: =(
DS: =(
Isabel: Oh dear. I just saw that dice roll.
Isabel: This quest will go well, I can see.
Tyler: It sure will.
OnlineHost: Nick rolled 1 100-sided die: 85
Nick: It'll be fine
Tyler: It'll be fine for Nick.
Tyler: The rest of you will fall into lava.
Tyler: And there is no lava to begin with.
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 46
Nick: Look at that
Nick: Izzy just strolled right into fucking Lava
Isabel: Damn.
(DS then got enough pearls for two more tries)
Tyler: Need to beat 35.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 29
Tyler: DICE
Tyler: UGH
DS: ffff
Tyler: One more.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 2
Tyler: ...
Aaron: serves you right
Tyler: Okay.
Tyler: What.
Nick: Magnificent
Tyler: what in hells blazes
Tyler: Ah, 50.
Tyler: Have to beat 65, then.
Tyler: good luck with the dice
Daniel: Not gonna happen, but eh.
onlinehost: Daniel rolled 1 100-sided die: 65
Daniel: ...
Tyler: ...
Nick: All that said, mind breaking down a level 5 weapon for me?
Isabel: Can do. Let me look at the roll.
Isabel: Oh. It's 60 points. No roll.
Nick: Roll anyway
OnlineHost: Ganonfrog rolled 1 100-sided die: 1
Isabel: ...
Nick: ...
Isabel: I'm so glad that doesn't matter.
Nick: I
Nick: I was joking
Nick: It was a joke
Nick: I was just about to say "Imagine you roll a 1"
Isabel: What Nick imagines is real.
Isabel: Such power.
Robert: No, no, he just subconsciously cast Summon Dice Rape
A few moments later...
Nick: That was a very high-targeted case of dice rape
Nick: Amazing
Isabel: I can't even believe.
Nick: It's like seeing a shooting star
Nick: A 1 or 100
Isabel: We should have made a wish.
Isabel: I wish that you weren't such a dick, dice.
OnlineHost: Ganonfrog rolled 1 100-sided die: 93
Isabel: Huh.
Nick: They're sorry
Isabel: *Eyes dice suspciously*
Tyler: Creating a Rifle for Iana. Two-Handed weapon, so target number is 115. 50 GUN. Number to beat is 65.
Tyler: Screw x4, Aluminum x3, Plastic
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 53
Tyler: Nope. Again.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 100
Tyler: ...welp
Tyler: Success.
Tyler: -8 Screws, 6 Aluminum, 2 Plastic.
Tyler: 7 Screws, 25 Aluminum, and 18 Plastic left.
Tyler: Upgrading it 7 levels. Screw, Aluminum each. Target number is 80, so have to beat 30 for each.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 7 100-sided dice: 69 52 4 8 4 12 4
Tyler: ...
Tyler: dice
Tyler: wtf
Tyler: More than half of those rolls were under 10. THREE OF THEM WERE FOURS.
Tyler: *Throws arms up*
For the record, there was a 1 in 10401 chance of rolling three fours out of seven rolls.
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 1-sided die: 1
Clara: (.....)
Isabel: (that was a one sided die)
Alicia: Roll again, Clara.)
Clara: (I can do that?)
Nick: (You rolled a 1 sided die)
Clara: (Oh)
Clara: (-feels dumb-)
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 2
Aaron: (LOL)
Clara: (-flips table-)
Alicia: I laughed a little.)
Nick: (Amazing)
Alicia: I half expected a 99)
Alicia: Then I would have been all "hey, there's the other 99 sides)
Alicia: She [Siliya] smiles and removes the cups and whatnot from the table. She flexes her hand and then places her elbow on the table top.
Nick: Isaac cracked his neck and likewise placed his hand, grasping Siliya's
Alicia: 50STR
Kristen: "Oh dear... Please refrain from damaging the table."
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 97
Kristen: (xD
Nick: (Jesus fuck)
Alicia: Your turn!
Nick: 75 STR
OnlineHost: Nick rolled 1 100-sided die: 2
Kristen: (rofl!
Clara: MY SIDES!)
Kristen: (I'm laughing really hard. I'm so sorry nick
Nick: Somehow, Isaac is going to move Dice even LOWER on his affections list
Isabel: Speaking of Jolene, she should roll WLP.
Tyler: 0 WLP
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 1
Tyler: :|
Aaron: (WHAT)
Clara: BAHAHAHA!!!)
Isabel: It takes Janneke a shake of her head, a shake that--
Aaron: (WHAAAAT)
Kristen: (-claps-
Alicia: I LOL'd)
Isabel: (So. Uh. that's a botch.)
Clara: My neighbors told me to shut up I was laughing so much)
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 23
Clara: ..........
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 35
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 37
Clara: ....................
Clara: ...........................
Clara: GUYS
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 22
Tyler: ha
Clara: This is weird!
Aaron: hhhehehe
Clara: it never goes above 40!
Aaron: poor widdle clara
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 20
Aaron: LOL
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 46
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 37
Aaron: oh my god
Aaron: you suck at dice
Tyler: ahahaha
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 23
Aaron: My sides hurt.
Aaron: OH GOD
Aaron: STOP
Aaron: laughing hurts
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 8
Nick: Magnificent
Aaron: ...
Aaron: LOL
Alicia: pepsi out the nose
Aaron: STOP
Aaron: it hurts
Aaron: i am crying
Kristen: Rosalie is making a rank A accessory. She needs to beat a 130
Alicia: go rose
Tyler: in before 29
Isabel: go go go
Kristen: using 5 diamonds and 1 coal
Alicia: The dice haven't been kind lately.
OnlineHost: Kristen rolled 1 100-sided die: 1
Alicia: ...
Kristen: ...
Aaron: LOL
Tyler: ahahaha
Isabel: ...
Kristen: fuck my life
Kristen: I have another set all ready
Kristen: just in case this happened
Kristen: So. Here we go again. Attempt two. Need 130, using 5 diamonds, 1 coal.
OnlineHost: Kristen rolled 1 100-sided die: 11
Kristen: -walks away-
Aaron: Wow.
Isabel: pfft
Isabel: Actually, I can't even keep laughing now.
Isabel: I just feel bad.
Ganchi vs Luci Spar, first 3 actions:
Tyler: 32% dodge x3 for Luci:
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 3 100-sided dice: 12 14 16
Tyler: ...
Tyler: wh
Alicia: HA!
Tyler: :|
Alicia: Beautiful!
Tyler: i will kill you dice
Alicia: 35% Hives, 35% Delay
Tyler: please miss
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 2 100-sided dice: 34 25
Tyler: NO
Tyler: ugh
Tyler: dice
Tyler: i hate you
Alicia: 41% Dodge on VA
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 93
Alicia: Fail.
Tyler: =(
Tyler: Hives: Status ailments are 10% more effective against you. Lasts 1d4 turns.
Tyler: Delay: Every reaction you perform has a 20% chance of failing. Lasts 1d3 rounds. Grants immunity to Confuse while in effect.
Tyler: Length of Hives?
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 4-sided die: 4
Alicia: 4 Rounds.
Tyler: =|
Tyler: dice
Tyler: And Delay?
Tyler: watch it be 3
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 3-sided die: 3
Tyler: SEE
Tyler: 30% chance Goliath's Curse too.
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 28
Alicia: Success.
Tyler: oh my god
Alicia: Thanks for reminding me!
Tyler: Goliath's Curse: You take 10% more damage from enemies lower in level than you for 1d3 rounds.
Alicia: Accessory In effects Tags: ENJOY YOUR AIDS
Tyler: :|
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 3-sided die: 2
Alicia: 2 Rounds
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 3-sided die: 3
Tyler: :|
Tyler: Delay: Every reaction you perform has a 20% chance of failing. Lasts 3 rounds. Grants immunity to Confuse while in effect.
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 2
Tyler: :|
Tyler: these dice
Alicia: No dodge!
Tyler wow
Tyler: i swear
Jared: Roxy could maybe tell there was something she was leaving out.
Clara: awa roll?
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 48
Clara: 108
Jared: 0 DEC, so autolose.
Clara: er 98
Jared: Oh
OnlineHost: Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 100
Jared: LOL
Jared: I WIN
Isaac vs Stranger:
Tyler: 25% Confuse
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 1
Tyler: wow
Tyler: confused
Nick: Get confused, son
Isabel: aw fuck
Tyler: Confuse: Every action you perform (not counting reactions) has a 20% chance of failing. Grants immunity to Delay while in effect. Lasts 2d3 actions.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 2 3-sided dice: 3 2
Tyler: 5 Actions wow
Isabel: jesus time for a rue
Nick: Yowch
Tyler: watch the rue fail
Isabel: Screw this, Charge, No Constitution, No Repetition.
Tyler: Screw this is not one of your attacks.
Isabel: Screw this is what I say to Rue.
Tyler: Reactions?
Nick: Defeeeeend
Tyler: 20% fail x3
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 3 100-sided dice: 25 19 5
Tyler: ...
Tyler: wow
Tyler: WOW
Isabel: ...
Tyler: Charge succeeds, nothing else.
Tyler: If only you Rued.
Tyler: That's... Wow.
Tyler: The worst luck.
Nick: Wow
Tyler: Go Isaac.
Isabel: So much for this fight. XD
Tyler: 25% Delay
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 2
Tyler: wow
Tyler: :|
Isabel: what the hell
Isabel: what are these dice
Tyler: wait
Tyler: Confusion.
Isabel: Oh, right.
Nick: What the hell man
Tyler: "Grants immunity to Delay while in effect"
Nick: Wow xD
Tyler: so no delay
Tyler: 21% VH x2
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 2 100-sided dice: 40 15
Tyler: VH on #2
Isabek: Nick, would you be opposed to Stranger awakening?
Isabel: You've probably got this in the bag, so I just kind of want to have some friend.
Isabel: ...
Isabel: *fun
Nick: ...
Isabel: Friend?
Isabel: AWAKEN, No Constitution, I'll pick the next after I see what Hives does.
Tyler: 20% Confuse fail x2
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 2 100-sided dice: 19 63
Tyler: ...
Isabel: WHAT
Nick: ...
Alicia: ...
Isabel: I must turn Confuse against you.
Tyler: 45%+5 Confuse
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 10
Isabel: YES
Nick: Damn
Tyler: There we go
Nick: xD
Tyler: Confuse: Every action you perform (not counting reactions) has a 20% chance of failing. Grants immunity to Delay while in effect. Lasts 2d3 actions.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 2 3-sided dice: 2 2
Tyler: 4 Actions
Tyler: All status effects last one extra turn on Isaac.
Tyler: Make that 7.
Isabel: ive got this now
Isabel: definitely
Nick: Quick, get me to critical HP so I can use determination
Isabel: Ha. You assumed I can get you to critical.
Nick: Listen
Nick: Those dice can turn on me like they did you
Nick: And I could fail seven actions in a row
Tyler: All attacks lower a random stat of the opponent's (ATK, ACC, SPD, DEF) by one-half times your level, rounded up. This cannot affect the same stat twice in one turn.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 2 4-sided dice: 4 4
Tyler: Rerolling #2
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 4-sided die: 4
Nick: ...
Tyler: :|
Isabel: It really wants to happen.
Tyler: 25%-5 Confuse
Nick: come on
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 8
Tyler: wow
Nick: YES
Tyler: what
Isabel: ...
Isabel: I give up.
Isabel: I don't actually give up.
Tyler: 45%+5 Confuse, 35%+5 Pansy
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 2 100-sided dice: 34 92
Tyler: Confuse
Tyler: again
Nick: man
Nick: confuse: the battle
Isabel: ^^^^
Alicia: hey nick wanna do an arm wrestle with luci real quick for fun?
Alicia: roll str?
OnlineHost: Nick rolled 1 100-sided die: 7
Nick: ...
Aaron: LOL
Nick: I'm just gonna go
Enos vs. Jolene:
Alicia: Unless there's more to be said or done, Enos wins.
Tyler: There isn't.
Tyler: Unless a 5% dodge chance works.
Alicia: 5%*2
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 2 100-sided dice: 87 3
Alicia: ....
Tyler: ...
Tyler: excuse me
Alicia: second dodged
Tyler: Okay, what just happened
Alicia: Startup canceled.
Tyler: how in the hell
Isabel: ...
(A few minutes later, the situation had reversed so that Jolene's next turn would have brought Enos into Counter-KO range.)
Isabel: Trying dodge x 2
Isabel: With the thing
Isabel: come on come on
Tyler: 10%
Alicia: 10%*2
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 2 100-sided dice: 2 12
Tyler: wh
Isabel: .....
Alicia: Dodged the first.
Aaron: what
Aaron: WHAT
Alicia: 25% Blind on the Second
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 1
Aaron: LOL
Isabel: ....
Tyler: wh
Alicia: Blind hits.
Isabel: what are these numbers
Isabel: where did these dice come from
Alicia: It's 15 paragraphs, no matter what.
Jared: i just want 4 words
Tyler: nah
Alicia: bro
Alicia: You don't get anything. XD
Tyler: Well, he can get 1 Loot from 10 tickets.
Tyler: *He rolls a Keystone*
OnlineHost: Alicia rolled 1 100-sided die: 92
Tyler: ...
Tyler: keystone
Jared: LOL
Alicia: LOL
Clara: Gonna make a gamble here
Clara: Lucas str check
Clara: -5
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 95
Clara: ...
OnlineHost: Robert rolled 1 100-sided die: 97
Tyler: ...
Robert: XD!!
OnlineHost: Katie rolled 1 100-sided die: 93
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 94
Katie: awww shiet
Clara: +85
Robert: …XD!!
Clara: 179
After 4 hours of a boss fight with low level characters:
Tyler: 10% chance of Ganchi stepping in without permission and winning the battle with a single attack.
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 4
Tyler: success i win
Tyler: *Leaves*
Clara: OH SHIT
Isabel: WOAH
Kristen: rofl
Isabel: Well look at that.
Kristen: That was awesome
Greg: Explosive Power (Mastered): Kid hulks out and attempts to tear down a much larger opponent.Damage: 360 (+20 each level below target)Effects: 25% of Goliath's CurseKickbacks: TemperamentalCost: 45 StaminaElements: Temperamental (-1), David's Spirit (3), Effect I (1), Plus Damage x3 (6)Growth: +90 (5) damage
Isabel: Reaction?
Alicia: Dodge Chance?
Isabel: 39%
Alicia: Yeah. Dodge.
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 20
Isabel: pfft
Isabel: sorry greg
Greg: heh
Greg: fml, temperamental now
Isabel: 50% of damage, right?
Alicia: Did Kid just punch himself in the dick?
Isabel: I'm assuming it's base.
Greg: Yeah I think so.
Isabel: At least he's not over his own level.
Isabel: 180 Damage to Kid.
Greg: Chrge, Pitch, Explosive Power (which will probably just hit me again)
Isabel: Reactions
Alicia: Dodge*2
Isabel: 39%
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 76
Isabel: Hits
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 13
Isabel: ahahaha
Isabel: oh dear
Alicia: This is acceptable.
Isabel: Well, let's see if Setup buffs the tech he punches himself with
Greg: Damn. Wish you'd just rolled setup first.
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 5
Alicia: :X
Greg: I'm literally not supposed to win.
Isabel: i may have snorted
Isabel: I'm so sorry, Greg.
Greg: It happens.
Isabel: This is impressively terrible luck.
Greg: I can cross my fingers and hope for reverse terrible luck.
Isabel: It's like the Ganchi fight.
Greg: Let's be honest.
Greg: Getting utterly dominated is the only way we'll get out of this jug fight tonight.
Alicia: Luci's more dominant than she knows :D
Alicia: That was bad.
Alicia: Bad Alicia.
Alicia: but it's true
Greg: Charge, Engage Weapons, Explosive Power
Alicia: Dodge
Isabel: 39%
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 12
Tyler: :|
Isabel: dodged
Greg: stop
Greg: Charge, Primal Armor, Explosive Power
Alicia: Dodge*2
Isabel: 29%
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 8
Isabel: Dodged.
Greg: lol
Greg: Luci appears to have like a 80% dodge rate, and Kid had a 10% dodge rate when he had any.
Greg: Dice doesn't favor me.
Isabel: Enos attempts to make an Elixir of Intangibility.
Isabel: 80% come on
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 84
Isabel: BALLS
Isabel: Enos attempts the potion again.
Isabel: 80%
Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 85
Isabel: ...
Jared: lol
Jared: fucking
Isabel: FUCK
Jared: holy shit
Tyler: *Opens the Dice Rape page*
Isabel: LOL
Isabel: WHY
Isabel: why
Isabel: stranger would look
Isabel: but he is decomposing
Isabel: why are dice
Katie: LOL izzy
Isabel: explain dice
Isabel: confirmed that over 50% of Enos' potions have failed.
Isabel: i quit
Isabel: I just checked.
Clara: Wait roll AWA?)
Katie: i guess)
Clara: 75 AWA
Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 26
Clara: 101
Clara: fml
Katie: (not sure what elliot should be rolling)
Clara: what's his skills?)
Jared: (gunsmith)
Katie: (he has eng)
Jared: (Maybe ENG?)
Clara: ^
Clara: how much ENG?)
Katie: 75eng
Jared: autolose for me
Katie rolled 1 100-sided die: 27
Katie: LOL
Clara: ...
Jared: lol.
Clara: -opens dice rape page-
Jared: Aether Attunement:
Jared: Once per battle, she is able to combine both her dodge and her guard percentages into a singular percentage, not going above 50%, for a dodge
Tyler: dat unique
Jared: 27% DEF bonus + 0% dodge = 27% dodge
Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 39
Jared: Popping Light Armour passive
Jared: Reroll dodge, 27%
Tyler: Heh
Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 28
Jared: lol.
Tyler: *Claps*
Tyler: wtg
Tyler: *Opens up Dice Rape*
Clara: Okay so Jared
Clara: how many silicon do you need?
Clara: I can make room just this one time
Clara rolled 1 4-sided die: 1
Clara: ...
Clara rolled 1 4-sided die: 1
Clara: ..............................
Clara: inb4 another 1
Clara rolled 1 8-sided die: 1
Tyler: Well done.
Tyler: yeah that goes in dice rape
Tyler: Rolling STR for my post. 10 STR.
Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 92
Tyler: :|
Tyler: why
Tyler: 102.
Tyler: this was supposed to be an example not a good roll
Tyler: dice why
DS: oh boy
DS: lets give this a shot I guess
Tyler: Good luck
DS: strength 30
DS rolled 1 100-sided die: 11
Tyler: :|
DS: well then
Tyler: 41
DS: thanks dice
Tyler: ^
DS: whoever that dude is, apparently random number god has blessed him
Tyler: ^^^
Jared: Elevator: Flash Kwan your best winning smile as you pass by, or whatever else you can think of to get his attention. Roll CHA for this.
Jared: oh my god
Jared: george is already starting off on the wrong foot
Jared: ok so uh
Jared: Starting at the elevator for laughs.
Jared: 0 CHA
Tyler: good luck
Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 6
Jared: LOL
Tyler: expected this
Jared: That's about right.
Tyler: ^
Tyler: 25% Taunt x2
Tyler rolled 2 100-sided dice: 1 2
Tyler: ...
Isabel: LOL
Isabel: wow
Tyler: what the everloving fuck
Jared: wait darius has 50 lore still
Jared: oh fuck i never did his stats over
Isabel: roll it
Tyler: you could replace it with per
Isabel: roll lore
Jared: roll what
Isabel: roll lore right now
Jared: no you fucking roll lore
Tyler: roll lore
Isabel: fine i'll roll lore
OnlineHost: Jared rolled 1 100-sided die: 1
Tyler: ahahaha
Isabel: LOL
Isabel: you should have let me roll lore
Jared: what does it all mean
Jared: what did i even roll for
Isabel: darius
Jared: i don't know what rolling lore is
Isabel: how much he can lore
Jared: wtf
Jared: i'm confused
Jared: ;.;
Isabel: he can't lore for shit
Isabel: He just got up to do something and forgot what he was about to do.
Isabel: I have no idea what else rolling lore could do.
Jared: LOL
Jared: You fucking guys.
Jared: I thought it was something serious.
Isabel: LOL
Isabel: i was actually kind of wondering, but i decided to just keep escalating it
Jared: CH-G3 Slug Gun :: A slug gun is, in essence, a back-mounted, cannon-sized shotgun of extreme power. However, unless an enemy is exceptionally close, the slug gun's effectiveness is limited immensely. This makes the slug gun a very high-risk high-reward weapon in combat.Range: Basic (1-2)Damage: 400 (+80 at Point Blank)Effects: Technique has a 20% chance of missing completely, independent of the target's reaction.Effects: Enemies adjacent to target of attack take 10% splash damage.Cost: 50 EnergyAmmunition: 4
Jared: I am point blank, btw.
Greg: Alright, going to roll 20% of missing x2 right away.
OnlineHost: Greg rolled 2 100-sided dice: 6 14
Isabel: LOL
Greg: ....hahahaha
Jared: lol
Greg: 16% of vital hit x2, rolling it
OnlineHost: Greg rolled 2 100-sided dice: 6 15
Isabel: oh
Greg: ...holy crap
Isabel: lol
Isabel: so that just basically cancelled ou the double miss
Greg: These dice.
Isabel: ^^^
Greg: 30% of weak, 30% of blind. Rolling
OnlineHost: Greg rolled 2 100-sided dice: 3 26
Jared: lol oh my god
Isabel: YEAH
Greg: Both hit.
Tyler: wh
Jared: this is retarded
Isabel: lol
Tyler: "I don't see the one who destroyed the helicopters," she says, thanks to Darius' successful stealth.
Tyler: "We'll find him eventually," the commander says.
Isabel: "Unfortunately, we've lost track of him as well," Rangi lies.
OnlineHost: Isabel rolled 1 100-sided die: 70
Isabel: -5
Tyler: 60 PER
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 6
Tyler: :|
Tyler: 66
Isabel: wow
Isabel: rangi's luck this quest
Tyler: Giga Clothesline (Mastered//8): King Mirinnor performs an all-encompassing clothesline strike to everyone in range of his enormous arms.Damage: 300Effects: 25% chance of Disarm.---Overwrites the attack's type and becomes a Wave(everyone else in your zone) technique. Stackable two times, increasing the range to Big Wave (your zone and an adjacent zone).---If used on an "unstable-ice" zone, this technique turns it into a "wet" zone. If used on a "cluttered" zone, this technique removes the "cluttered" tag.Cost: 40 StaminaElements: Wave Attack (3), Smash/Fire (2), Effect II (3)
Tyler: Targets Martok, Laelia, Doitean, and Gilor.
Tyler: yes it hits his ally
Tyler: Reactions?
DS: guard
Tyler: Team Up is being used on this.
Tyler: So +60% damage.
Tyler: that includes on gilor himself
Greg: Hm. Guard.
Tyler: Martok will also Guard
Tyler: Gilor will swear and Guard.
Isabel: At this rate gilor is going to jump ship.
Tyler: Heh
Tyler: Vital Hits!
Tyler: 12% Martok, 27% Doitean, 24% Gilor, 31% Laelia
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 4 100-sided dice: 61 37 8 61
Tyler: wtf
Tyler: are you kidding me
DS: wow
Tyler: *Throws arms up*
Tyler: This is payback for all my luck this saga.
Tyler: The dice planned this.
DS: lol
Fran: Haha
Isabel: LOL
Tyler: So, this changes my plans for the battle a tad.
Tyler: This is going to be a disaster.
Tyler: 25% Disarm x4
Tyler: Same order as VHs
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 4 100-sided dice: 30 51 11 43
Tyler: ...
Tyler: i quit
Tyler: gilor is disarmed
Greg: Oh god.
Tyler: I can't even
Tyler: what the hell just happened
Fran: Wow
Daniel: Cordelia gives Sye a look. "I almost never lie."
OnlineHost: Daniel rolled 1 100-sided die: 99
Tyler: (wtf)
Daniel: (deceit 75)
Robert: ((What the fierfek.))
OnlineHost: Robert rolled 1 100-sided die: 13
Robert: ((Yeah, the priestess buys it))
Clara: (LMAO)
Daniel: (does sye buy it)
Tyler: look man
Tyler: sye has like a +1000 bonus against that particular lie
Daniel: (fair)
Daniel: (what a roll tho)
Tyler: ^^^
Robert: The crack between the flagstones looks wide enough to be pried apart, though.
Clara: 75 str
OnlineHost: Clara rolled 1 100-sided die: 12
Clara: ...
Tyler: gg
Robert: ((XD))
Clara: (I don't see Sye doing anything)
Clara: She tries doing it with one hand while she holds Lucas with the other. But after failing she let out a sigh and looked to the others. "A little help, please?"
Tyler: "Here, let me show you how it's done."
Tyler: Sye flexes, and then attempts to pry the stones apart.
Tyler: 25 STR.
Robert: ((XD))
Clara: (Omfg)
OnlineHost: Tyler rolled 1 100-sided die: 1
Tyler: ahahaha
Clara: (LOL)
Clara: (HELP ME)
Robert: ((XD!!!!!!!!))