Deadpool/Wade Wilson

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Name Wade Wilson, Alias: "Deadpool"
Gender Male
Born Beats me.
Height Approx. 6'2"
Weight Approx. 210 lbs.
Hair Nah.
Race Centurion
Affinity Fire
Alignment EXTREME Chaotic Neutral
Affiliation None
Player Kayce

"Hey, look! I have a wiki page now!"


Deadpool, the merc with a mouth. That's me!

So I finally have a wiki page. Took you people long enough. I think the problem is that I wasn't at the top of the Wiki To-Do List for some reason.

I'm a pretty cool guy. Everyone loves me! I'm almost as popular as Nick Cobalt!

You may have noticed, but I loooooove to talk. It's the best thing in the whole wide world! The only thing that comes close are chimichangas. Mmmm...

I also happen to be the best superhero ever. That Spider-Man? Got the idea for his outfit from me. True story. Definitely not a lie.

Anyway, I have to get going. There are little old ladies that need robbing. Farewell, true Epic believers!


  • Tyler helped me write much of this page instead of Kayce. How's it look, Kaycey? I don't really mind. He's cool. Rolls my dice for me.