Arenan Alliance

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Nation Arenan Alliance
Planet Disparatus
Government Parliamentary
Motto "Endeavor to persevere."
National color(s) Violet/Gold
Population Approximately 290 million
Demographics 96% Human, 2% Thuwadian, 2% various others
Location Equator, extending southeast to a point near Dragonoa
Primary Languages Arenan, Universal as secondary
Founded 1358 AE as the colony of De la Arena ; 1371 AE as the nation of De la Arena ; 2198 AE as the Arenan Alliance
Capital Toledo
Owner Aaron


The Arenan (ah-RAY-nan) Alliance is one of the "smaller" nations of Disparatus, with a population of just over 290 million. The population is primarily human, though there are occasionally Thuwadian immigrants and long-time residents.

The climate varies from arid deserts and dense jungles in the northwest to temperate zones and highlands in the southeast. A large mountain range runs along the northern edge of the country, tapering off in the southeast. The more densely populated southeast has greater technology and larger cities, while the central regions are more rural/agricultural and the northwest, while largely desert, has several mining facilities for various precious metals and stones.

The Arenan Alliance is driven by several industries. In the northwest, there are several mines and quarries (though other industries, such as medicine and science, have recently begun to expand greatly). Central regions are primarily dominated by agriculture, though there are several popular resorts and museums throughout the area. The southeast regions have always been the most advanced, boasting weapons and transportation manufacturers; medicine is the largest industry in the southeast, though it's seen significant expansion into the northwest over the past two decades.

Military bases are scattered throughout the Arenan Alliance, and around them are small towns and cities, some having formed entirely as a result of bases. Around these bases, schools and hospitals usually spring up quickly. As a result of both this and the industry expansion in the northwest, the population in the northwest has surged.

One hundred twenty-seven years ago, the Arenan Alliance (then known as De la Arena) was ravaged by civil war between the "Independents" of the northwest and the powerful officials in the southeast. For four years, war went on in the central regions until the Independents were finally defeated. When there's a losing side in any war, some bitterness remains...


The Arenan Alliance's government is parliamentary, the governing body divided into the Greater and Lesser Consortia. The Lesser Consortium consists of elected representatives from territories in the Alliance based upon population. The Greater Consortium possesses the most power of any body in the Alliance and consists of five elected officials from each territory. There is no figurehead of the government, but a Speaker is chosen by vote from both Consortia every several years.

Consortium members in either house serve a maximum of 8 years. When one Speaker steps down, dies or comes to the end of their term, a new Speaker is elected by both Consortia and this Speaker fills the position for however many years are left in their term.

Citizens have a general respect for the law, though Northwest citizens display a quiet resentment for it due to their loss of the Arenan Civil War. Partly because of this, crime rates in the Arenan Alliance are among the lowest on Disparatus, with violent crime rates consistently the lowest for several years running. Punishments for offenses are listed here:

  • Treason, murder and sexual deviance (pedophilia, rape, etc.) are punishable with death.
  • Assault, breaking & entering and major instances of theft are considered moderate offenses and are typically punished with jail time (and caning!) combined with community service (subject to change depending on the instance).
  • Vandalism, minor theft and possession of illegal drugs are considered misdemeanors and are punished with a fine, caning, community service or jail time. Again, depends.

There is an extensive police force and justice system in place, organized 123 years ago as a result of a rise in crime rates after the Arenan Civil War. Initially heavily biased toward the Southeast, often treating Northwestern citizens with unnecessary harshness both during and after confrontations. For several years, a stigma was attached to Northwesterners, but that changed within 40 years, when several discrimination suits were brought against corrupt justice system officials and won soon after.

Since then, public opinion of the justice system has risen considerably, though some resentment still lingers in both the northwest and southeast.


The standing military of the Arenan Alliance is fairly sizable one, despite the nation's overall policy being pacifist. Their military exists primarily as a deterrent to ward off potential invaders, but the military is very well trained and equipped with very advanced weaponry developed by Machinist Corporation.

Roughly 40% of young Arenan men, whether or not they attend college, enlist in the military for a term of four years before continuing with work or education. Additionally, many young women (a considerably lower 23%) join the military under similar conditions.

Foreign Relations

The Arenan Alliance's foreign policy is fairly isolationist in most aspects. They've participated in no external wars with one exception and don't extensively emigrate. They do, however, trade a great deal with all nations of Disparatus, with several precious and semiprecious stones and metals as their main exports.

The Alliance also exports some transportation and medical technologies when new advancements are made, spreading discoveries to other nations.

The Arenan Alliance was also the primary funding nation of the international space station, "Venture." Venture is a joint effort between several nations to deploy communications satellites and launch research expeditions to the Moon.



The original Arenan colony was established as a venture by the Petrarca Collective, a conglomerate formed by several different United Provinces corporations, most of them dealing with mining and transportation. The Arenan continent's northwestern desert coast was quickly populated with families looking for work in a new land.

The transportation branch of Petrarca, known as Royal, built a port on the eastern coast of the northwest continent, near grassy highlands at the foot of the mountain range they would call the Royal Mountains. This port served as an export/import point to ship out anything mined and ship in new supplies.

The Arenan colony boomed. Within just five years, the mining colony had repaid any debts incurred by the Petrarca Collective in the business venture and began earning the company greater profits. By this time, the company had laid claim to the entire northwest end of the continent, naming several geographical features after prominent figures in the colony's formation (the Petrarca Desert, for instance).


The mining colony, which became known as De la Arena, eventually amassed a great deal of its own wealth and the economy began to thrive. Within a decade, De la Arena bought its independence from the United Provinces and became an autonomous state.

The government was originally based heavily upon the government of the United Provinces, as the nation was originally a colony established by the Provinces. Shortly after buying their independence from the Provinces, the people of De la Arena realized within a few years that the corporate bureaucracy of the UP would be ineffective at governing their new nation. The next two years were spent establishing a new government.

The revised government was a transitional government that lasted only a few months, with the heads of the former bureaucracy's companies meeting as a council. This, too, failed and was replaced with a "monarchy" that lasted 50 years before being quietly replaced with a parliamentary form of government that was expanded upon over the years and eventually became the government that exists today.

Civil War

The Arenan Civil War began 127 years ago as a result of increasing tensions between the northwest and southeast regions of the nation then known as De la Arena. The northwesterners had long been less powerful in politics and had lost significant ground in the 30 years leading up to the war, largely due to a low population stacked against the already high (and rising) population of the mild-climate southeast.

The final straw came when the southeast succeeded in passing a motion to move De la Arena into international trade (they'd been an entirely isolationist, self-sufficient nation until that point, but they had little money of their own). The miners (and a minority of corporation owners) of the northwest knew this would irreversibly alter their lives. Well aware of this plight, the officials of the northwest fought hard to keep the bill from going through. In the end, it was passed by a healthy margin.

The northwest officials and general population, wanting to remain entirely isolationist, decided to secede, largely in protest to have the bill shut down. The southeast issued an ultimatum to the northwest: Rejoin De la Arena or go to war. The northwest refused and accepted the southeast's declaration of war.

For four years, De la Arena was plunged into bloody civil war, the more advanced and industrialized southeast seeming to have a distinct advantage throughout much of the war. Despite losing more battles, the northwest (calling themselves "independents") managed to win most of the decisive battles of the war, despite their technological disadvantage and lack of training--they managed to grasp victory due to their guerilla tactics, where the southeast fought a more organized and traditional war.

Even with their strategic victories lasting them for three and a half years, the "independent" forces began to gradually lose their footing in central De la Arena, eventually forced back entirely into the northwest. It was the Battle of Petrarca Desert that was widely regarded to be the final nail in the coffin of the independent forces of the northwest; several isolated battles took place after, but the majority of the army was captured and detained until the remaining forces surrendered three months later.

The Alliance Treaty was signed at the Arenan capital city of Toledo, marking the end of the war and the reunification of the country, now named the "Arenan Alliance" to commemorate the end to the fighting.


The southeast immediately launched a massive reconstruction campaign to revitalize the scarred nation, millions of citizens going to work to rebuild their towns and cities. The majority of the reconstruction's efforts were focused in the northwest, largely as a "peace offering" to its citizens to show there was no bitterness that could not be overcome for the sake of restoring the nation.

Engineers and construction workers worked round the clock to build new roads, homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and reservoirs for the northwest, reestablishing stability in the region within two years.

The Arenan justice system first truly became prominent at this point in time. Despite the reconstructive efforts and the Arenan Treaty, resentment was nearly as high as it was during the war. Crime rates were significantly higher than normal, many of them motivated by bitterness from the war. As a direct result, the justice system was overhauled and new law enforcement policies were adopted. Curfews and gun control laws were put in place, largely in the northwest.

For a time, the fear and resentment that the northwest would again rise up to strike at the southeast gripped the nation. But within 20 years, the policies were struck down when northwestern officials lobbied to have them repealed on the condition they kept the population of the northwest calm. Campaigning across the northwest, the officials were able to keep up their end of the deal, ending the restrictive years in the northwest.

Emergence In Economics

After the reconstructive period ended, the Arenan population surged. The Arenan Alliance began trading with most of Disparatus, exporting precious metals and stones, valuable ores and exotic spices.

For the first time in its history, the Arenan Alliance was a wealthy nation. In this period of growth, the Alliance established several universities and military facilities across the country. The Alliance then turned its sights toward space and began testing rockets to eventually launch a manned mission into orbit around Disparatus. Thirty years later, they would achieve this mission, and the program would eventually expand into the Venture Project, establishing an international space station for research and communications.



Arenans are somewhat more reserved than the rest of Disparatus. Their culture is largely centered around honest work for the good of themselves, their families and their communities. This isn't to say Arenans don't enjoy their leisure time; they spend much of it in physical activity like sports or exercise.

Arenans have a general respect for nature and, in spite of their booming industries, keep their environment maintained fairly well. They have several preserves and national parks across the country as well as tight government regulation of business expansion when it affects the environment.

The population, though isolationist, has no trouble dealing with visitors from other nations, and there is a small amount of Thuwadian immigrants scattered across the southeast. Tourism is fairly common for the Arenan Alliance, so the population has become quite accustomed to outsiders.

Otherwise, the population is similar to that of the United Provinces. The Arenan Alliance features a diverse population due to a fairly relaxed immigration policy. However, they are less concerned with entertainment and gratification than that of the Provinces, prioritizing work and education over enjoyment. (This isn't to say Arenans have no concept of fun, obviously. Just keep in mind that they generally place a higher value on getting work done before having fun.)


(Incomplete as of yet. Feel free to look at it as a similar religion to Lutheranism, if that floats your boat.)


Sports are immensely popular in the Arenan Alliance, two of the biggest being rugby and lacrosse. Mixed martial arts has become very popular as well. Universities all have rugby and lacrosse teams, and there are several professional teams which compete in a yearly league for the championship title.

There are several popular musical acts from the Arenan Alliance, obviously popular within their own borders as well. Tertaga Herk Herk of Dragonoa also enjoys a good deal of popularity in the Arenan Alliance.

The nation does not have much in the way of musicals, but theater is quite popular in the Arenan Alliance. Television and film are popular, but they haven't risen to the level of prominence of that in the Provinces.


From early in their lives, Arenan children are put into compulsory education. Their education is taken seriously and it's considered the job of teachers to help them succeed--in a legitimate fashion. There is no opportunity to "drop out" of school until students reach age 18.

Arenan universities are known for being difficult but worthwhile. College education is not mandatory, but many young Arenans (and some older) attend college at some point to further their careers or find a field that appeals to them.



Toledo: The capital city of the Arenan Alliance and the second most heavily populated. This is the oldest major city in the southeast, and much of the architecture, both new and old, incorporates a classical aesthetic, with polished stone (all purchased and transported from the quarries of the northwest) used liberally in construction. Known as the City of Antiquity for its construction. Toledo also houses both the Greater and Lesser Consortia.

Petrarca: Oldest city of the Arenan Alliance, founded as a mining town by the Petrarca Collective. The mining industry of the Arenan Alliance started here, and here it's strongest. The city sits on the edge of the north coast of the country. It's near the ocean and has a port within a few miles of the downtown area, and the other sides are set off by mines and quarries. It features an advanced irrigation system that keeps the entire city in touch with a healthy water supply from a river and multiple reservoirs.

Valencia: A popular resort town located in the Valencia Mountains in central Arenan Alliance. Though it has a low population, it's one of the wealthiest towns per capita in the nation and sees some of the highest foreign traffic of any Arenan city. Located in a temperate zone next to a lake. During the winter months it has a ski resort open. Year-round, it has a popular freshwater lake and hot springs open to the public.

Sevilla: The most heavily populated Arenan city, located in the central regions. Most of the agricultural industries have their headquarters here. Known as the Glass City for the amount of glass used in its skyscrapers. Sevilla is one of the largest centers of commerce for the Arenan Alliance and features many transportation hubs (airports, train stations, bus stations, etc).

Catalina: A city located along the coast just south of the equator, Catalina is known for its ornate architecture and bright streets (due in large part to extensive use of glass and white materials in building), earning it the nicknames The White City and The Gem of the Coast. It was once known as the safest city in the nation, but was ravaged during the war in 2322, and is currently under reconstruction.

Bowen: Bowen is a fairly modest-sized city and a major industrial center, particularly for manufacturing of vehicles. Several ranches exist on the fields and hills surrounding Bowen.

Royal: Located on the eastern end of the northwest Alliance, this city sits below and upon grassy highlands at the foot of the Royal Mountains. The old port founded by Royal Corporation to ship ores back to the Provinces is here. This is still in use today and is one of the Arenan Alliance's main shipping cities. Also quite prevalent here is the fishing industry. The city is known for its "quaint" appearance, with cobblestone streets and beach-style houses.

Verenalta: The most recently built of the Alliance's cities, Verenalta is an experimental complex created to combat theoretical overpopulation. Verenalta is a 12-tiered megacity built into a conical structure. Six pillars surround a central tower, rising to a point a mile above the Petrarca Desert coastline.

Royal Mountains: A mountain range in the "northeast" of the Arenan Alliance, named such by the Royal Corporation when they built a port city at their base. They stretch 700 miles along the coast, reaching 100 inland at the furthest. The highest point in the range is 10,517 feet, the fourth highest peak on the continent.

Valencia Mountains: A mountain range along the eastern coast of central Arenan Alliance. The resort town Valencia is located here, beside the world-renowned (for its pure water and unique wildlife) Lake Valenz. The highest peak (Mount Valenz) reaches 20,184 feet above sea level, making it the highest point on the continent.

Petrarca Desert: The massive desert that engulfs most of the northwest end of the Arenan Alliance. The second largest moving sands desert on the planet is located here, and there's an expansive "badland" full of mesas and buttes, some of which are home to small towns and mining communities. Every spring, a temporary river runs through the desert and to the sea (coming from runoff and melting snow from the Royal Mountains), causing an "oasis" to spring up around it for three months. During that time, a 1,500 mile stretch of land becomes filled with life. The Grand River Highway was built to travel along this stretch from the mountains to provide a scenic view for travelers heading to the western edge of the desert.

Shattered Field: One of the bloodiest battles (named after the renamed field) of the Arenan Civil war was fought here. The mortar shells fired from both sides pockmarked the land with craters. As a reminder to the nation of the bloodshed, Parliament moved to call this field a national landmark and kept the craters, filling the area with new plant life. A prayer is held at the Shattered Field Memorial every year on the anniversary of the day the battle ended.

The memorial is an obelisk of highly polished metal, four lights constantly illuminating its sides at night. It sits in the middle of a circular area surrounded by a polished stone wall with thousands of names engraved upon it alphabetically. The names of the dead. That area is itself at the center of an artificial stream that flows in a circular path around the monument and spirals outward, into an artificial lake that encircles the entire monument..

Silent Tower: A towering stone structure in the western Petrarca Desert that appears to be Thuwadian in origin. Thuwadians have no record of this tower having been built. It's existed for as long as people have come to the continent and it never erodes or wears down. Rumor has it the tower is haunted, but extensive studies of it have turned up no conclusive results. Some have claimed to hear singing coming from the top at night, but when they arrive the singing allegedly stops.


(Working on this. I wanted to get the lore up quickly, so I just skipped these dudes.)