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Crippled is a special Status Effect that causes a character's stats to all be set to 1 for a week. It can only be inflicted through specific circumstances, usually as a result of backlash from a major Enchantment or surgical procedure. Cripple cannot be inflicted in battle except under special circumstances, and can otherwise only be inflicted by a GM if a character just barely avoided death.

In RP, a crippled character is usually conscious, but bedridden.

Core Rules
Basics: AffinityAlignmentExperience GainsLevelRacesSkills (Skill +)
Battle: ActionsAwakening (Overload) • Battle PenaltiesBattle TablesRangeReactionsStatus Effects (Broken LimbCrippled) • Techniques
Items: AccessoriesArmorEquipment UpgradesKeystonesLegendary Lore ItemsMisc ItemsShopsWeapons
Misc: AffectionDay and NightDeathFlightKnowledgesLanguagesRare EffectsRP CombatTraitsUnique PassivesUniversal Passives