Chuunin Exams
18 & 19 June 2005:
Advocate Bishop [11:19 PM]: XD!!
Advocate Bishop [11:19 PM]: We're RPing the Chuunin Exams (Naruto survival exam) in Epic.
Advocate Bishop [11:19 PM]: As a joke, there's a "French Ninja Team."
Advocate Bishop [11:19 PM]: TheCrimsonExodus (11:21:02 PM): "Yes...yes...zey have fallen into ze trap," he declares grimly. As Lee wanders onto the space, he lets go of the vine he was holding.
Advocate Bishop [11:19 PM]: TheCrimsonExodus (11:21:14 PM): The rock slams into Rock Lee's forehead, leaving a small mark.
Seltsam Tod (11:21:15 PM): It was so obvious.
TheCrimsonExodus (11:21:17 PM): 0 damage
Advocate Bishop [12:49 AM]: Whew, Chuunin Exams over.
Advocate Bishop [12:49 AM]: I can't believe Kimimaro (my weakest character)'s team passed.
Advocate Bishop [12:49 AM]: See, in the second exam, it's a survival test.
Advocate Bishop [12:49 AM]: You need to
1) Survive
Advocate Bishop [12:49 AM]: 2) Steal a scroll from another team.
Advocate Bishop [12:49 AM]: Each team had players on it.
Advocate Bishop [12:50 AM]: Kimimaro is evil. He works for Orochimaru, the villain, whom was massacring teams.
Advocate Bishop [12:50 AM]: We were the last team left. We never found a scroll.
Advocate Bishop [12:50 AM]: We would fail.
Advocate Bishop [12:50 AM]: By chance, Kimimaro's team ran into Orochimaru.
Advocate Bishop [12:50 AM]: He gave us a scroll and we passed.
Advocate Bishop [12:51 AM]: Kimimaro is level 4.... most player characters were 8-11.
Advocate Bishop [12:51 AM]: And Naruto's team (main character) almost got slaughtered by Orochimaru.
Tylinos [12:52 AM]: What level is Orochimaru?
Advocate Bishop [12:52 AM]: 25
Tylinos [12:52 AM]: Wow.
Advocate Bishop [12:52 AM]: He took down Sasuke and Naruto (the two main characters of the show) without taking any damage.
Advocate Bishop [12:55 AM]: Just in case you were curious.
Advocate Bishop [12:56 AM]: All of the French teams died.
Advocate Bishop [12:56 AM]: "NO! ZEE AMERICAN PEEGS!"
Advocate Bishop [12:56 AM]: None of them were American.
21 June 2005:
Advocate Bishop [7:04 PM]: Yeah, there's an important RP right now.
Advocate Bishop [7:07 PM]: Last round of the Chuunin Exams.
Tylinos [7:07 PM]: Ah. What's the test this time?
Advocate Bishop [7:08 PM]: It's a tournament.
Tylinos [7:08 PM]: Ah.
Advocate Bishop [7:08 PM]: I got so screwed.
Advocate Bishop [7:08 PM]: Kimimaro, level 5, got matched against Seijun, level 19. ;_;
Tylinos [7:09 PM]: HA
Advocate Bishop [7:09 PM]: My other character, Sasuke, level 13, got matched against a level 5.
Advocate Bishop [7:12 PM]: Post RigorMortis (7:08:32 PM): There's a single Jounin standing at the center of the dirt arena, populated by sparse patches of grass and the occasional tree.
Advocate Bishop [7:12 PM]: Post RigorMortis (7:08:46 PM): I forgot his name, so for our purposes he shall be referred to as This Guy.
Advocate Bishop [7:19 PM]: Post RigorMortis (7:15:29 PM): "Excessive force won't be tolerated. Killing someone intentionally, without an alternative will result in disqualification," he replies.
Advocate Bishop [7:19 PM]: Post RigorMortis (7:16:07 PM): Gaara: Sorry, I accidentally dropped 5 tons of sand on him and turned it into solid rock.
Post RigorMortis (7:16:11 PM): "Meh, don't worry about it."