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Almost all of them are original! (Do not steal) Not to be confused with NPCs.

List of Characters

Current Characters

Characters in New Epic version 5, including characters who transferred over from Old Epic and continued use from version 4.


  • Adrien Lex: Just using this body. Hope you don't mind.
  • Enos: What you took was DRUGS


  • Hans: Semi-reformed Thiefsassin
  • Iana: Military-type.
  • Kaida: Silver tongued aristocrat.
  • K.I.D.: Killing and Infiltration Device.


  • Luci: Cyborg Schoolgirls
  • Mina: Addicted to cocktails.


Retired Characters

Retired characters in New Epic, including characters who transferred over from Old Epic. While they still exist in the world, these characters have been dropped and are unlikely to appear often.


  • Arz: Drunken demon of the mountains.
  • Bill: He outta be on a baseball cahd.
  • Edge: Retard Strength!


  • Isaac Vandir: A chain-smoking drunk who could punch out a skyscraper.


  • Negoen: Kid with a sailor's mouth.
  • Oujou: New Death Count: 2


  • Rutika: Just 'cuz. Elentra's sister.
  • Titania: Fallen Angels with Beam Katanas.
  • Venka: Can we pretend this never happened?

NPCed Characters

These guys were once characters in New Epic, but have since been moved to the NPC list:

Old Epic

Characters who were in Old Epic and aren't around anymore. Characters that started in Old Epic and transferred over to New Epic are listed above instead.

  • Hiei: Dragon of the Darkness Flame.