Best of Chat
Sometimes, something great (or hillariously stupid) happens in chat without the input of the dice. These moments are kept here for all to see. Its worst moments can also be seen on their own page.
Main List
Alicia has entered the room.
Jared: Give him a cock in the ass.
Jared: ...
Isabel: ...
Emily: In her hand was a pink bubble wang. and on a leather belt witrh green pouches were an assortment of bottles holding different kinds of soaps, with scents and color, In order they spelt out ROYGBIV. or The Rainbow colors.
Bishop: ...
Bishop: In her hand was what?
Emily: (a pink bubble wand)
Isabel: Of course, that could also be because of her-- (...)
Mark: I think it's stupid for an atheist to say pots bad.
Mark has left the room.
Justin: I dont know why he decides now, of all times, to be a drug junkie.
Aaron: No, Justin. He's just "enlightened" now.
Jared: Picture this.
Jared: Drago's just walking down the street, minding his own business.
Tyler: This is already hard to imagine.
Jared has entered the room.
Alicia: Screaming Orgasm (good stuff, man)
Alicia: ...
Mark: There's scientific proof that in 2012, the earth's magnetic field is shifting dramatically
Mark: And, the Mayans were accurate enough to predict like...
Mark: eclipses 100s of years in the future
Mark: i think they have it right
Bishop: They weren't accurate enough to predict a horde of Spaniards coming overseas and slaughtering them all, now were they?
Isabel: Sky is such a worthless character affinity.
Alicia: Yeah.
Alicia: I used to be amazing.
Alicia: ...
Alicia: XD!
Isabel: XD!
Alicia: It*
EnlightenedMark has entered the room.
EnlightenedMark: Wow
EnlightenedMark: I just.... had my mind blown
EnlightenedMark: my whole view of the government
EnlightenedMark: of people
EnlightenedMark: everything
EnlightenedMark: It was a documentary
EnlightenedMark: It was about the history, medicinal, economical, etc aspects of pot
EnlightenedMark: a lot of really credible people
EnlightenedMark: But, the government like... conspiracy against it
EnlightenedMark: with reagan especially
EnlightenedMark: his speeches were so...adamantly against it
EnlightenedMark: he even said he didnt believe studies that suggested it was healthy
EnlightenedMark has left the room.
Francesco: Fetuccine Isabella is delicious...
Aaron: ...
Isabel: ...
Alicia: Frannie, keep your fantasies to yourself.
Francesco: No, it's what I ordered for lunch today
Aaron: OH GOD
Aaron: NO
Mark: Vegetarians...ew
Isabel: *Stabs Mark with my carved knife/letter opener*
Sean: I couldn't be a vegan anyway.
Isabel: I couldn't be a vegan. XD
Isabel: I'm not even a full vegetarian.
Mark: I got you to eat my meat, Isabel.
Mark: I mean.. my pork chop
Mark: I mean...
Mark: shit
Isabel: ....
Isabel: No Mark.
Mark: If you had to choose between a man with a vagina or a woman with a cock...
Mark: What would you choose?
Jared: Woman with a cock.
Kevin2: Well, Birdo is a fucking Nintendo character.
Kevin2: Who has a cock.
Jared: I like futa. :D
Aaron: ...Shit.
Aaron: Does she have a nice body?
Mark: Yes
Mark: But, her wang is huge
Aaron: That's a horrible choice.
Dave: Of the two, I choose my hand.
Dave: Fuck that.
Jared: ...Her wang is huge?
Jared: Then definitely a woman with a cock, no doubt about it.
Kevin2: Jared would love that.
Dave: What if it was small?
Kevin2: Best of both worlds, in his opinion.
Jared: Still. =/
Kevin2: What if it doesn't work?
Jared: ...It'll work, you fucking douchebag.
Jared: Trust me, I watch enough ladyboy porn.
Kevin: No, it may be an appendage.
Dave: What if she had balls for a chin? I'm just throwing that out there.
Aaron: This is Jared we-XD!!!!
Mark: Jared, I have a very small penis.
Dave: ....
Dave: What?
Dave: Why the fuck would you admit that?
Justin: The cat kept jumping on me today and I didnt know why
Justin: So I blinked, and realized she wanted to go to sleep...
Justin: So I took off my jacket and put it on the floor, and she lept on it, curled up in a ball and started snoozing
Justin: Now she doesnt' let anyone but me even pick it up
Tyler: You know what's more awesome looking than you'd expect? Blu-Ray.
Justin: My guess is, she likes it because it smells like me.
Justin: ...Also another wierd thing about that is, human females do that too
Justin: They like wearing stuff their guys wear
Bishop: That's what I hear.
Bishop: Haven't seen one yet myself though.
Tyler: What, Bishop? Blu-Ray, or a human female?
Bishop: Blu-ray. >_>
Anna: xxyunaandtidus4everxx was a kickass sn too.
Anna: Z made me get it to 'fit in'
Anna: And make sure all the other hunters/huntresses could aim me randomly
Anna: Instead of just asking.
Aaron: You're... kidding me.
Anna: Nope.
Anna: He threatened to derank me.
Anna: demote.. wtf
Aaron: .......
Aaron: What a douchebag.
Aaron: Never mind that he legally changed his name to Maverick Hunter.
Aaron: He's a douchebag even without that.
Tyler: wut
Aaron: Yes, Tyler. He legally changed his name to Maverick Hunter, a Mega Man thing.
Isabel: What's all this from?
Aaron: Z is some WoW guildmaster from the guild all the Epic members were in.
Aaron: Justin lived with him, I think.
Kevin2: I thought he was Zeromus.
Aaron: Z/Maverick.
Kevin2: Which, of course means he stole his online SN from FF IV too.
Kevin2: Yet claimed that he came up with it way before Square.
Anna: XD
Anna: That was great to hear him argue Kevin
Aaron: ...Wait. what?
Aaron: Z said he came up with Zeromus first?
Kevin2: Yes.
Kevin2: He seriously did.
Kevin2: When Zeromus came into existance in 1990.
Anna: Yeah when he was oh.. 4
Aaron: XD Anna, you have to tell me this story. How did he argue that?
Aaron: I mean, what did the guy say?
Anna: He came up with it while watching cartoons and proclaiming I AM ZEROMUS while fighting with his brother
Aaron: ...
Aaron: XD
Anna: He often proclaims I AM ZEROMUS in his house
Anna: Its not funny after the first time
Bishop: Did anyone ever look at the Judge shop and notice that some of the stronger items had clauses attached to them that were almost specifically to deter Justin from using them?
Bishop: "Grants 5% immunity to all status ailments and damage by non-Judges. However, you take 10% more damage if attacked by another Judge."
David: You might as well have just labeled it "if your name rhymes with made, wearing the ring kills you."
Bishop: XD!!
Aaron: XD!!
Aaron: That would have been awesome.
Bishop: . . .
Isabel: Ellipse.
Seth: Ellipse, eh?
Seth: Ellipses are the number one cause of STDs in the country.
Seth: Now are you so sure about Ellipse?
Isabel: I have a condom, it's okay.
Seth: Oh.
Seth: That's better, then.
Seth: But the only real way to not get STDs is to not use Ellipses or colons at all.
Seth: *nods*
Seth: Abstinence.
Isabel: Pfft. It's also the only way to not have any fun at all.
Isabel: Ellipses are too awesome to give up.
Seth: THERE'S MORE TO LIFE THAN ELLIPSES, YOUNG LADY! You will not turn into a whore while living under my roof!
Seth: I didn't use ellipses until I was 27, when I met your mom.
Isabel: *Runs off crying*
Seth: You'll wish you had listened to me!
Seth: They all do!
Seth: *sits back in my easy chair and opens my paper*
Isabel: *Never returns*
Seth: *Good.*
Isabel: *I'm later caught on TV, addicted to apostrophes, and assumably pregnant with a question mark, since I haven't had a period in a while.
Tyler: Is the question mark enlightened?
Jared: because I'm a pussy and I can't get it in my mouth
Kristen: is there seriously a video game based on school?
Kevin2: It's a RPG mixed with a dating sim/school simulation.
Kevin2: And all the female relationships end in sex, while the male ones end in BFFs.
Kristen: thats areally messed up
Kevin2: The game is rated M, if you couldn't tell.
Kristen: thats an annoying game
Kristen: I think the boys and females should end in either sex or friendhsip
Kristen: that is a sexist game
Kristen: and gives girls the wrong message
Kristen: women
Kevin2: It's a dating sim, that's how it works.
Kevin2: You're a guy.
Kevin2: Except for Isabel.
Kevin2: She has problems.
Dave: Would you count when Jared dated Justin?
Jared: You son of a bitch.
Aaron: *Writhes in unspeakable agony.*
Jared: .....Wanna do it tomorrow, Isabel?
Jared: It'll be the best free RP ever.
Tyler: I read "do it" as meaning "have sex".
Jared: XD!
Isabel: Hm. I want to eat something with hotsauce, but I can't find anyhting that would be good with it.
Tyler: Hm.
Tyler: Pretzels.
Isabel: Pretzels with hotsauc--
Isabel: The hell?
Tyler: ...
Tyler: Wow.
Isabel: How did we both get the same stupid idea?
Jared: Oh man.
Jared: I remember when I made Bishop believe I was a lizard from outer space.
Isabel: ...
Isabel: What?
Jared: Or at least make him believe I thought I was.
Isabel: Oh.
Tyler: what
Isabel: That's less shocking, sadly.
Jared: You know that theory where lizard aliens are ruling the world?
Isabel: Sort of.
Jared: Well, I was all like "Bishop... I have to talk to you. do you know why I made Thuwadians?"
Jared: And he was like "why'
Jared: And I was like "Because I'm their prophet. Their avatar, if you will. They wanted me to ease people into the belief that they exist once again."
Isabel: XD!
Jared: He was all like "What the fuck was in your turkey, man?"
From E3 2010:
Nick: I wish they would have Kinect-chatted with John Madden.
Seth: XD!
Seth: Yes.
Dave: Oh God. I would buy Kinect in a second if I could watch every sports game with John Madden talking to me.
Seth: Man, I always bring up the weirdest shit in theatre. One conversation I lead eventually went to me saying
Mark has entered the room.
Seth: "Yup, it's still legal to fuck animals in Washington."
Isabel: Ha. Public nudity.
Isabel: Gotta love hippy camp.
Tyler: Hippy camp?
Isabel: Farm and Wilderness.
Tyler: I'm not sure I get it.
Isabel: Shirts basically became optional there, though the one I was in was all girls.
Isabel: It's just a summer camp.
Francesco: ...
Francesco: O... kay.
Isabel: Apparently public nudity is fine, as long as you don't talk about sex all the time.
Tyler: Isabel. I have a question.
Isabel: Yes?
Tyler: This camp. How old were the people there?
Isabel: Early teens.
Tyler: ...
Isabel: All girls. >>
Isabel: We weren't always topless!
Isabel: Don't get the wrong idea!
Nick: I can't help it guys. Dicks are super awesome.
Nick: I might have a problem
Tyler: No wonder you were so obsessed with Sailerius.
Nick: no
Nick: wait
Nick: no
Rob: XD
Nick: this has backfired in the worst way
Isabel: Nick, will you be alright?
Nick: I don't think so
Isabel: I'm sorry.
Nick: Something core to my person has been irreperably tainted
Aaron: There's a NASCAR episode of Top Gear.
Aaron: This is outstanding.
Tyler: Man. I name half of the characters in this quest after people from Top Gear, and nobody pays it any attention.
Tyler: So sad.
Aaron: Nick and I noticed.
Tyler: yeah well
Aaron: We asked if you named anybody Clarkson, because you had May and Hammond.
Tyler: Also, Klein is named after the director, Dawe for a former presenter, and Wilman for the executive producer.
Nick: Tonght, on Top Gear
Nick: Richard is a town
Nick: James is killed
Nick: And I was dead all along
Jared: wiki's down fo' real
Jared: just when i was trying to refresh myself on umbra terra
Jared: thanks obama
Tyler: ^
Tyler: Short version: In 17 BE the Thuwadians were all "We're gonna summon some devils from hell and stuff" and the devils were all "nope" and took over the world. Everyone went underground and built teleporters to Disparatus and Earth.
Jared: Cool, fits.
Tyler: yeah
Tyler: YEAH
Jared: Thuwadians are fucking stupid, man.
Tyler: ^
Tyler: Those lovable rascals.
Tyler: They're like your bratty little kid. Sure, they'll draw all over the walls and summon devils from hell, but gosh darn it you love 'em.
Aaron: ...LOL
Aaron: That was outstanding, Tyler.
Tyler: Why thank you.
Jared: LOL
Jared: Be prepared for another war against the Lehk'zhulians, by the way.
Tyler: oh boy
Aaron: goddammit
Aaron: are they seriously starting shit again
Aaron: They're like, "We have a jetpack! Let's fight a war." "That's brilliant!"
Jared: LOL
Kevin2: Polar Bears are assholes. They're the only bear that actually is a godless killing machine. They actively hunt humans.
Tyler: ^
Kevin2: When someone gets attacked by a bear that isn't a Polar Bear, it's generally over territorial or child protection issues. Like most animals, they're wary of humans.
Kevin2: I just knowledge bombed someone's ass.
Kevin2: They tried to say Cheetah's can't purr due to big cats having a difference in their hyoid bone from other cats.
Kevin2: Thing is, Cheetahs are NOT big cats.
Kevin2: Just like the Cougar isn't.
Kevin2: They're built more like a wild cat, including skull anatomy.
Tyler: :3
Kevin2: The only "true" big cats are the Lion, Tiger, Leopard, and Jaguar.
Alicia: panther?
Kevin2: The Panther is a black Jaguar.
Kevin2: All other cats are just cats. Though the Cheetah isn't exactly like the rest of the cats, just more closely related to them than the big cats.
Kevin2: It's basically some big dumb wild cat that's highly specialized so it's considered a different genus.
Kevin2: As for Panthers, I forgot that there are so many different things the term is used for.
Kevin2: So it depends. If you mean Panther as in Leopard or Jaguar, then it's just those and is a big cat. If you mean as in Florida Panther, then no it is not.
Kevin2: That's a Mountain Lion.
Kevin2: The largest Wild Cat.
Kevin2: It is literally more closely related to that house cat you took a picture of than a Lion.
Tyler: Well, what about deer?
Kevin2: Deer are ungulates, how is that even.
Alicia: Dragons?
Kevin2: The deer is more closely related to the whale.
Kevin2: Yes, seriously.
Isabel: Whales? Then what about squid?
Alicia: And while we're on the subject, we can't forget the wolves.
Alicia: It's August now. Winter is coming soon.
Kevin2: The squid is a cephalopod, in the same family as the cuttlefish and octopus.
Kevin2: ...Wolves are dogs.
Kevin2: Now, if you want something complicated.
Alicia: You cannot ignore the dragons forever.
Alicia: They're coming.
Kevin2: The Hyena. What do you think it's more closely related to? A dog or a cat?
Alicia: An army of thousands will follow.
Kevin2: Well, the correct answer is cat.
Kevin2: They are not dogs.
James: Closer related to tazmanian devils and the like, aren't they?
Kevin2: Well, the Tazmanian Devil is a Marsupial. They're all in their own group.
Kevin2: What the Hyena is in is the order called Feliformia.
James: ... Shit, of all the badgerish (that's how my mind pictures them, sue me) creatures, I think of the marsupial.
Kevin2: Which includes true cats, Meerkats, Mongooses, Hyenas, and the like.
Kevin2: Badgers are in the Caniformia.
Nick: What about ocelots?
Kevin2: Ocelots are true cats.
Isabel: Revolver Ocelots?
Nick: *handgesture*
Nick: You're pretty good.
Alicia: Otters.
Kevin2: True cats are all things people call a "cat".
Tyler: teehee
Kevin2: Otters are in the Caniformia too, they're part of the Mustelidae Family which is Badgers and shit.
Kevin2: This is determined just by a specific part of the skull, mind.
Tyler: So, Clara's character is a badger?
Nick: Yep
Kevin2: Well, in the badger family.
Nick: Atterz
Isabel: What do you have to say about the mantis shrimp?
Kevin2: They're a crustacean.
Kevin2: Which is the sybphylum that includes crabs, lobsters, etc.
Kevin2: Which, interestingly enough, also includes barnacles.
Kevin2: And in the greater picture they're part of the Athropods, which is mostly made up of insects.
Kevin2: Which is why sometimes people go "THEY'RE JUST BIG BUGS" about lobsters and shrimp.
James: Red Lobster: Pretty much just eating bugs.
Kevin2: But who gives a shit, they're delicious. At least crabs are.
Kevin2: I learned all this shit in Biology class, high school and first year College.
Kevin2: Going back to arthropods is pretty unfair because, that's like saying we're fish.
Kevin2: Because we're in the same phylum as fish.
James: I regret not going deeper into the sciences. I went for math and computer courses, and didn't take more than the compulsory science credits.
Kevin2: Chordata, everything with notochord is a Chordate. That being a central nerve.
Kevin2: The notochord is like the first backbone, it's part of everything after it, though.
Kevin2: In fact, the "spine" that forms in an human embryo is a notochord for some time.
Tyler: I've learned a lot today.
Isabel: Do dragons have notochords?
Kevin2: It's all very cool stuff. Too bad I suck so bad at math.
Kevin2: Well, they would be a chordate if they existed.
Nick: Today I learned a lot about animals.
Kevin2: And would probably be more closely related to birds than reptiles.
Kevin2: I should note Crocodilians are more related to birds than other repitles, too. Birds did shoot off of reptiles.
Alicia: Jurassic Park told me that birds were related to reptiles.
Kevin2: As did Mammals.
Kevin2: But the dinosaurs themselves were not reptiles.
Kevin2: They were their own inbetween thing.
Kevin2: So you could say Dragons could be in there, but Dinosaurs don't breathe fire. They do however, have the capability of gliding in certain species like the Pterosaur.
Kevin2: But they're capable of true flight, Dragons that is.
Kevin2: And only birds, and surprisingly bats, are capable of that.
Kevin2: They did this thing on Animal Planet about Dragons, Alicia. Putting a science behind them.
Kevin2: And they were determined to be bird like.
Kevin2: Dragons would have to have semi hollow bones for flight, so they'd have to be an inbetween birds and reptiles at least.
Kevin2: Since Birds have fully hollow bones.
Kevin2: (Sucks to be them.)
Tyler: rip birds
Alicia: So, those Polar Bears.
Kevin2: They're caniforms, and they're bears. So they're Ursa. They are also godless killing machines.
Tyler: jared that 5000x5000 picture set my computer on fire
Tyler: (It didn't)
Jared: sorry
Jared: at least it wasn't during a tourney
Tyler: I don't even know why it locked up my browser last time.
Aaron: Holy shit, that really is a massive pic.
Jared: oh wtf guys
Jared: i
Jared: did not know
Jared: it was that big
Aaron: jesus look
Robert: XD!!!
Tyler: You need to see every pixel of George Costanza's glorious face, Aaron.
Aaron: fucking look
Jared: it was small when i linked it
Jared: i didn't bother to make it big
Robert: I think my computer loaded it in… a couple of seconds?
Jared: Tyler's computer is LITERALLY from the paleolithic era.
Aaron: Mine loaded it immediately, but the picture is gigantic.
Tyler: If you're experiencing unexpected growth, Jared, you should probably see a doctor.
Robert: XD!
Aaron: Wow.
Aaron: Tyler got off a good one.
Aaron: Make a wish, guys.
Clara: My problem with breast cancer isn't that it's the most talked of awareness
Clara: It's that it's the most marketed awareness
Jared: my problem with breast cancer is that it kills people
Clara: well there's that
Jared: LOL
Jared: LOL
Jared: I just remembered Shizhi's affection for Holly.
Jared: Holly: Also repeatedly accused Arz of a rapist and murderer, with equal reason. What the hell, is this the new age of feminism?
Clara: XD!!!
Aaron: hey shizhi nice fedora
Jared: LOL
Kristen: when did shizhi meet holly?
Kristen: when did holyl call arz a rapist?
Jared: She, Luci, and Shizhi were in a jungle
Jared: And they went into Arz's shack.
Aaron: Arz's Fuck Shack.
Daniel has entered the room.
Kristen: fuck shacks for everyone
Jared: I love politics :3
Aaron: it's bretty gud
Robert: Generally, Aaron, except when it comes to UK politics.
Robert: Then it's Britty gud.
Aaron: I want to be mad at you.
Aaron: I really do.
Aaron: But that was actually funny.
Jared: why the fuck didn't anyone tell me clara has a spear
Clara: ... Because I didn't announce it?
Clara: I just added it
Jared: I was referring to fucking
Jared: uh
Jared: Late summer
Jared: When I was obsessed with spears
Jared: For like 3 fucking weeks
Jared: And just went on about them in the chat all the time
Clara: I got a spear like a month ago jesus
Aaron: what kind of spear
Jared: well
Clara: My character does
Clara: God I'd go nuts with a spear
Aaron: is it between her legs
Jared: LOL
Clara: XD!
Jared: IIRC, Seraxel will shatter the teleporters when they take over the country.
Kristen: Jared I'm officially informing you that faeries are planning to take out the teleporters
Jared: It's not like the Thuwadians can stop them.
Jared: The teleporters will be gone.
Tyler: True.
Kristen: They'd have to come on aether ships
Jared: They're not going to hire an interplanetary ship to carry a few thousand.
Jared: I can imagine a few thousand Thuwadians setting down and marching to Eluvina, then going like "What the fuck did you break the teleporters for, we were going to do that!"
Jared: Then they march back.
Tyler: I actually laughed, Jared.
Isabel: lol
Kristen: lol @ jared
Isabel: look i loled
Greg: Katie do you play epic?
Katie: naw i just hang out in this chat room to masturbate
Katie: but maybe someday
Clara: XD!!!
Daniel: Also, most of the books would be in incomprehensible languages.
Clara: What kind of language?)
Daniel: (The books are written in literally millions of different languages. Beyond millions, even.)
Daniel: (But people are naturally drawn to shelves and books which they might comprehend.)
Clara: I'm just saying Daniel! XD)
Robert: ((According to Daniel, this library has every book ever written))
Daniel: (Never written.)
Daniel: (ever book never written.)
Daniel: (That's its thing.)
Robert: ((Oh.))
Robert: ((Misread that. That's… honestly even cooler.))
Clara: Kid's reading science shush)
Daniel: (However, it does make for mostly trash. People come up with a lot of stupid ideas for books.)
Jared: Lucas sees a book in the engineering section. It was named "the Thermodynamics of Apelike Gasping and You", written by Jared Silva.
Roert: ((XD!!!!))
Clara: XD!!!)
Isabel: (LOL, Jared.)
Isabel: "NIg hands." Kastos repeats, concern crossing his face. He glances to his own, wiggling his fingers for a moment, before shaking his head and just scratching the kitten.
Jared: (lol isabel)
Jared: (don't be racist)
Kristen: (isabel
Kristen: (wow
Isabel: (LOL)
Isabel: (NO)
Isabel: *Big
Isabel: (i hate you)
Jared: (i can't rp i'm laughing too ahrd)
Isabel: (fuck you)
Greg: These affections man.
Greg: "Roxy: She took good care of my body"
Alicia: Ew
Clara: -pelvic thrusts-
Tyler: wow
Isabel: wha
Clara: What was she supposed to do with a dead kid in the bathtub.
Katie: lucas spunk clara. lucas spunk.
Greg: clara pls
Greg: He was sleeping.
Jared: what the fuck
Clara: Omg
Katie: wait dead kid in the bathtub?
Jared: am i reading
Clara: That came out wrong
Clara: Fuck my life
Katie: LOL
Clara: Grump if you bring that up again I will put you on ignore
Katie: if you use that as a threat so easily it won't hold weight clara
Clara: I've done it to Jared
Clara: Once
Isabel: also woah what
Tyler: You've put a dead kid in Jared's bathtub?
Katie: ^
Clara: asdofihajsdf
Jared: fucking lol
Isabel: What Tyler said.
Katie: dayamn clara. you got problems
Katie: you can't just go around putting dead kids in people's bathtubs
Clara has left the room.
Isabel: oh
Jared: lol
Katie: ._.
Isabel: running from the law i see
Jared: must have found the kid in her tub
Katie: LOL
Tyler: ^
Clara has entered the room.
Clara: You guys made me flip my laptop
Isabel: Escape the cops?
Katie: LOL
Clara: And it closed
Tyler: "Jared: must have found the kid in her tub"
Katie: there's an apb on clara for body dumping in bathtubs everywhere
Jared: clara i heard if you use lye you can get rid of the evidence quicker
Clara: Omg
Katie: she's considered wet and dangerous
Clara: I hate all of y-...
Jared: wow katie
Tyler: reword that plz
Jared: that was a bit much
Katie: LOL
Katie: sorry
Isabel: LOL
Clara: Yeah
Isabel: dont
Katie: i couldn't think of a better word :-(
Clara: -puts on ignore list-
Katie: and bathtubs have water
Greg: Katie pls
Katie: ;-;
Clara: -not really-
Clara: -but dammit you're close-
Katie: /cries4lyfe
Jared: may as well have just said rode hard and put away wet if you're gonna be that overt katie
Katie: wait what?
Clara: What
Jared: you've never heard that expression?
Isabel: shoulda said overy
Clara: Ovary
Isabel: *ovary
Isabel: stfu
Katie: the babymaker
Clara: I should be telling you to stfu Isabel
Clara: You and grump
Jared: Well, it's a legitimate phrase.
Clara: And Jared
Katie: :D
Clara: And Tyler
Jared: :3
Katie: :3333
Katie: ^
Greg: There were a lot of moments between Lucas and Kid in the story that could have gone pretty gay if we went that route.
Greg: See if you can spot them!
Katie: :O
Clara: You're the one that wrote that!
Isabel: oh my
Greg: wa-
Katie: speaking of lucas romances
Katie: conni+lucas=otp
Greg: Lucas is the one with gay vibes tho. Kid is an innocent victim.
Clara: Lucas so doesn't like the touching!
Clara: By another grown (?) man!
Greg: Dat one time when Kid took his clothes off to get on the table, and Lucas blushed.
Clara: Omg he did not
Greg: Yeah he did.
Greg: Read between the lines.
Clara: Seriously guys shut up
Clara: Joke's dead
Tyler: Like the kid?
Isabel: LOL
Jared: (when i was a little babby in grade school i thought the balls held the urine)
Katie: (XD!!!)
Clara: XD!!!)
Jared: (so i had to go the bathroom and i couldn't pee)
Isabel: (LOL)
Jared: (so i squeezed my balls so hard and i passed out)
Clara: OMG)
Isabel: (WOW)
Clara: Jared why are you sharing this with us)
Jared: (also i ended up peeing my pants)
Katie: (holy shit. i can't breathe and ^)
Clara: Why would you admit this)
Jared: (it was relevant)
Kristen: I always have naked people in my stuff
Kristen: aw man
Kristen: I think the deaf chick is going to get shot by her mother by accident
Isabel: wha
Isabel: can
Isabel: can you prevent this
Kristen: nah
Kristen: going to be great