Affinity Plus
All techniques were assigned an Affinity Plus effect, or A+ effect, which can come into effect depending on Affinity of the last technique a character used. Each affinity, as listed on the Affinity page, can either be positive or negative to other affinities. If it's positive, the A+ effect activates. If negative, the A- version of that effect activates instead.
They were removed in Epic v5.
Below are the Affinity Plus effects you can choose for your techniques, listing their A+ and A- effects. Other, custom ones can be designed with staff approval.
Critical Damage
A+: Your ATK is raised by 5 per level of mastery for the purposes of this technique.
A-: Your ATK is lowered by 5 per level of mastery for the purposes of this technique.
Eon Link
A+: Your next technique costs 5 less AP.
A-: Your next technique costs 5 more AP.
Burst Wave
A+: Everyone adjacent to the target is knocked back one space away from the target.
A-: This technique only does 3/4 damage.
A+: Your next technique gains A+.
A-: Your next technique gains A-.
Light Wave
A+: This technique cannot be parried.
A-: Attempting to parry this technique automatically succeeds.
Swift Finisher
A+: Your ACC is raised by 5 per level of mastery for the purposes of this technique.
A-: Your ACC is lowered by 5 per level of mastery for the purposes of this technique.
Hyper Rush
A+: At the end of your turn, you have a 25% chance of gaining a free action and 15 AP to your current turn.
A-: You have a 25% chance of losing an action and 15 AP from your current turn. If this is the last action of your turn, then it applies to your next turn.
A+: You are healed 10 SP per level of mastery.
A-: You are damaged 10 SP per level of mastery.
A+: You are healed 10 HP per level of mastery.
A-: You are damaged 10 HP per level of mastery.
A+: 25% chance of gaining a charge.
A-: 25% chance of losing a charge.