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Here is a list of the generic actions that anyone can perform. You can only perform an action if you have enough Stamina to satisfy its cost.

On each turn, a person gets 100 Stamina, 1 Minor Action, 1 Quick Action, and 2 Basic Actions (Usually Techniques), which can be performed in any order. Additional Quick Actions can be done in place of Basic Actions if so desired.

List of Actions

Minor Actions

A Minor Action costs no stamina or actions. You can perform one minor action per turn. Typically, this is restricted to movement. However, some passives grant additional types of Minor Actions.

  • Move: You may move up to 6 spaces.
    • For going up or down 1 block of elevation (Such as from elevation 0 to -1) it takes one additional space of movement.
    • To climb up 2 blocks or more of elevation, it requires the quick action "Climb" plus its listed Athletics check.
    • To fall down 2 blocks or more in elevation, it requires an additional space of movement plus fall damage as listed under Battle Penalties.
    • Jumping a gap requires the quick action "Jump" plus its listed Athletics check.
    • Certain obstructed or difficult spaces, such as ice or uneven rocky terrain, require 2 spaces of movement to pass through instead of 1.
    • You cannot normally pass through a space occupied by another person. However, they might choose to allow you to pass through their space, although it requires 1 more space to move through than usual. It's generally assumed that allies will let you pass through their spaces like this.

Quick Actions

A Quick Action can be performed once a turn, in your Quick Action slot. Extra Quick Actions can also be done in place of Basic Actions. Examples of Quick Actions include using items and activating Awakening.

  • Quick Attack: You deal 35 damage PLM to your opponent. This attack does not get ATK Bonus or Vital Hit (But the target can still get Dodge and DEF Bonus), and cannot be used as a Counter action. Cannot be countered. Costs 15 STM
  • Recover: You gain 5 STM.
  • Charge: You gain 1 charge. Costs 10 STM
  • Activate Awakening: You activate your Awakening. Costs 15 STM
  • Activate Ascension: You activate your Ascension. Costs 15 STM and 1 keystone.
    • Extend Ascension: You extend the duration of your Ascension for an additional three rounds. Costs 15 STM and 1 keystone.
  • Run: You may move up to 3 spaces. Costs 5 STM. If you have been cornered and cannot escape from a confined space, you may use this to pass through occupied spaces at the cost of 5 additional STM.
  • Use Item: You use an equipped consumable or item effect. Costs 15 STM
  • Give Item: You hand an item to an adjacent character. Costs 10 STM
    • Throw Spirits: You throw a Spirit (As in the potion type) at an ally or enemy, instantly affecting them with its contents. Counts as a Ranged(2-3) attack. Costs 10 STM (See Chemistry#Potions)
    • Throw Explosives: You throw an explosive at a target. Counts as a Ranged(2-3) attack. Costs 15 STM (See Gunsmithing#Explosives/Grenades)
  • Change Weapon: You may change your currently equipped weapon. You may switch immediately to dual-wielding this way as well. Costs 5 STM
  • Change Armor: You may replace any one currently equipped armor slot. Costs 5 STM
  • Change Upgrades: You may replace any one currently equipped Equipment Upgrade slot. Costs 5 STM
  • Use Chemical Weapons: You use a chemical launcher weapon to attack the enemy with various chemicals. A chemical launcher must be equipped to use these. Costs 15 STM (See Chemistry#Chemical Weapons)
  • Use Device: You operate an object like a gate control or computer. Costs 5 STM
  • Some Robot traits can be used as Quick Actions:
    • Send Bomb-bot: You use the Bomb-bot trait for a Robot in your possession. Costs 15 STM.
    • Deploy Sentry-bot: You use the Sentry-bot trait for a Robot in your possession. Costs 15 STM.
    • Use Thief-bot: You use the Thief-bot trait for a Robot in your possession to loot KOed NPCs. Costs 5 STM.
  • Some skills have uses as Quick Actions:
    • Jump: You attempt to jump over a 1 to 2 space large gap. Perform an Athletics check to do this. Jumping a 1 space gap requires you to beat 50, while 2 spaces takes 75. If you fail to make the check, you trip, taking 50 damage, and you don't move from the space you started in. Costs 10 STM
    • Climb: You attempt to climb a space 2 or 3 spaces tall. Perform an Athletics check to do this. Climbing a 2 height block requires you to beat 50, while 3 spaces takes 75. If you fail to make the check, you fall down, taking 50 damage, and you don't move from the space you started in. Costs 10 STM
    • Use Scroll: You use a scroll. Costs 15 STM
    • Pick Up KOed Character: You can pick up a KO'd character while standing on their space and move around with them normally. However, all of your attacks are reduced in effectiveness by 50%. Reacting to attacks causes you to instantly drop the character into an adjacent space. Costs 10 STM, and you must beat 75 with a Strength roll. (You can put your parcel down for a Minor Action and 0 STM.)
    • Grab: You use Strength to attempt to restrain someone. Cannot be used in 1v1 or battles without maps. Costs 15 STM(See Strength#Restraint)
    • Dive: If you are in water and can swim, then you dive under the surface. Costs 5 STM (See Athletics)
    • Surface: If you are in water and can swim, then you reach the surface. Costs 5 STM (See Athletics)
    • Aid Ally: Only usable if you are in water and can swim. You help a drowning ally get to land. Costs 10 STM (See Athletics)
    • Enter Stealth: You attempt to hide. Perform a Stealth check against all your opponents in the battle. You can only hide if you're behind something, or 7 or more spaces away from any opponents. If you successfully hide, you can continue to move and act freely, but the instant you perform anything except a free or minor action, everyone within 40 feet (8 spaces) becomes aware of you. This cannot be done in 1v1 or battles without maps. Costs 15 STM(See Stealth)
    • Break Barrier: You try to break through some kind of barrier or locked door. Perform a Strength check. The DL of said check is up to the Ref/GM. Costs 10 STM (See Strength)
    • Lift Object: You try to lift a heavy object. Perform a Strength check. The DL of said check is up to the Ref/GM. Costs 10 STM (See Strength)
    • Maintain Restraint: You do nothing but hold your victim still. This costs 15 Stamina. (See Strength)
    • Grapple Attack: You may perform a universal technique upon your victim. Before you perform this action, your victim gets a chance to break restraint (via Break Out check). If they succeed, then they move to an available adjacent space and restraint immediately ends. Your attack fails if they manage to break away. (See Strength)
    • Break Out: You attempt to break out of someone's restraint. For each STR you have over your opponent you get + that bonus to your break out chance. For each point in STR your restrainer has over you, you get - that to your chance. A break out chance can't go below 25%, can't go above 75%, and starts at 50%, with no bonuses/penalties. 15 STM (See Strength)
    • Ceasefire: You persuade everyone to stop fighting. Until your next turn, nobody is allowed to perform offensive techniques. Costs 30 STM and has a Difficulty Level of 6. Only usable once per battle. (See Charisma)
    • Max CHA - Morale Boost: You can use this to boost the morale of your allies, raising their stats by 5 per level of mastery for 1d3 rounds. This is only usable when you are below 50% of your maximum HP and can be used only once per battle. (Cumulative, not once per person.) Costs a quick action and 15 Stamina. (See Charisma)

Basic Actions

A Basic Action costs 1 action and the STM of the attack used. You get two of these per turn. A Quick Action can be done in the place of a Basic Action.

  • Techniques: The most common Basic Action. You use one of your techniques, usually to attack someone or heal.
  • Quick Action: See above.

Full Turn Actions

A Full Turn Action costs 3 actions (Quick or Basic) and 50 STM.

  • Defend: You take 10% less damage until the start of your next turn.
  • Use Speechcraft: You use your Speechcraft skill to try to persuade someone.
  • Use Deceit: You use your Deceit skill to lie to someone.
  • Loot: You search a body. (See Stealth)


See article: Reactions

Reactions are unusual in that they are performed during someone else's turn. They cost no actions and have variable STM cost.

Core Rules
Basics: AffinityAlignmentExperience GainsLevelRacesSkills (Skill +)
Battle: ActionsAwakening (Overload) • Battle PenaltiesBattle TablesRangeReactionsStatus Effects (Broken LimbCrippled) • Techniques
Items: AccessoriesArmorEquipment UpgradesKeystonesLegendary Lore ItemsMisc ItemsShopsWeapons
Misc: AffectionDay and NightDeathFlightKnowledgesLanguagesRare EffectsRP CombatTraitsUnique PassivesUniversal Passives