Treaty of Svaneholm

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The Treaty of Svaneholm was a major political document ratified in 2137 AE, between the seven major nations of Disparatus, and a number of smaller island nations. Its primary purpose was to establish rules, regulations, and political boundaries for both Aether travel, and dealings between Disparatus and Earth.

The treaty's origins can be found primarily in the slow evolution in travel between the two planets following first contact in 1973. Relations were quite slow at first, with travel one way taking five months, and thus were mainly taken for research, or luxury of the extremely wealthy. By the 22nd century, however, Aethership speeds had improved to the point that more casual travel began to become more commonplace, and in 2125, the first Aethership network, Eisensturm, began to host public travel between Eisenstaat and Svaldon.

With the rise of Eisensturm, rumblings grew in the Disparatus political sphere about whether so much should be shared between Disparatus and Earth, with some fearing Earth becoming a threat. Some even moved that their nations should outright attack and annex the nations of Earth before they while they were still small and weak. Svaldon's Prince at the time, Mathias Rolstad, disagreed with these concerns, and held that if there was anything to fear, it was Disparatus being too strong for Earth. Having taken a few trips to Eisenstaat himself to establish stronger relations, he saw strong value in Earth's independence, and believed steps should be taken to prevent the planet from being threatened by war from Disparatus.

Over the next decade, Prince Mathias pushed to get the other nations of Disparatus to recognize the nations of Earth as protected entities, which would not be threatened by any nation of Disparatus, under threat of that nation being stopped by the other nations of the planet. While his efforts proved quite difficult, especially in negotiations with Dragonoa, they eventually gave way to the signing of the Treaty of Svaneholm, recognizing Earth's equal status with Disparatus.