The (Latex) Gloves Come Off

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Title The (Latex) Gloves Come Off
Number Free RP #295
Date 18 May 2014
Players Alicia, Isabel
Characters Luci, Leros, Enos
Setting Alexandria, Alibaas, Disparatus

Timeline Summary

Outside the Alibaas city of Alexandria, Leros tries to settle on Luci and Kid's couch, while Luci deals with getting him medical attention. She says she had to call for Enos, as Rosalie has reservations on medical work with Centurions. Leros is surprised Enos was willing to help. Enos arrives, drunk. He tries to get Luci away from Leros, but she refuses, and Enos relents. She briefly mentions how she rescued him from Promethean yesterday. Enos finally agrees to operate on Leros when Luci says she'll pay him. Luci explains the rescue attempt, and he laughs at her for failing to use Elixir of Intangibility properly. They discuss contracts and Nikolaos, along with Leros' injuries. Luci shows him Nikoalos' folder, showing a contract for her or a Centurion with her blueprint, but they can't come to a proper conclusion on it. As Enos finishes operating, Luci tells him Philip will help her repair her own damage. Leros wakes up and complains about Enos. They bicker, and Enos plays Kid's video games as Luci takes Leros to bed.
