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Strength, astoundingly enough, is your character's physical capability to move objects to overcome obstacles or restrain others. It can be used to forced one's way through locked doors occasionally, but this is only at GM discretion.


How easily you can pass obstacles can depend on your Strength, if you have no other skills at your disposal.

Barrier: The DL for breaking through a locked door or a wall (or any kind of barrier the GM will allow) is 25 x its DL. A flimsy barrier that anyone should can break with a little trouble would be a DL of 0, meaning success is automatic. 1 would be slightly beyond average capability, etc. until 10 where breaking through is essentially impossible without 100+ STR and extra modifiers (with a lot of luck).

Heavy Object: The DL for moving a heavy object is 25 x its DL. 0 would be an object anyone should be able to move, and it would be an automatic success. 1 would be slightly more difficult than an average person would be able to move, until 10 at which point its basically too heavy to move without 100+ STR and extra modifiers (with a lot of luck).

These obstacles can also be dealt with in battle using these quick actions.

Break Barrier: You try to break through some kind of barrier or locked door. Perform a Strength check. The DL of said check is up to the Ref/GM. Costs 10 STM

Lift Object: You try to lift a heavy object. Perform a Strength check. The DL of said check is up to the Ref/GM. Costs 10 STM


See article: Intimidate

  • Intimidate is an ability that can be used with either Strength, Charisma, or Speechcraft. It allows you to startle or panic someone, putting them into a state of Distress and making them more susceptible to Charisma, Speechcraft and Deceit rolls. For more information, see its article.


When in battle, you can spend a quick action to attempt to restrain someone. When you attempt to restrain someone, you sheathe whatever weapons you're currently carrying (including energy weapons but not including martialarts) and may target someone within a range of Basic(1).

Your target may react to your restraint attempt in one of three ways:

Dodge: If they succeed in dodging, then the restraint attempt fails.
Counter: Due to leaving yourself wide open, their counter does not suffer the normal counter damage reduction.
Resist: Your opponent attempts to resist. For each STR you have over your opponent you get + that bonus to your restraint chance. For each point in STR your restrainee has over you, you get - that to your chance. A restraint chance can't go below 25%, and starts at 50%, with no bonuses/penalties.

If the target fails at a dodging attempt, counters, or fails their resist attempt, then they become restrained. You instantly move into the same space as your target. While the state of restraint is maintained, the following is true:

  • Neither the restrainer nor the restrained may react at all.
  • Neither the restrainer nor the restrained may move.
  • Neither the restrainer nor the restrained may use a technique except for as specified below.
  • Neither the restrainer nor the restrained my use consumables.
  • Both the restrainer and restrained can perform quick actions as usual.
  • The restrainer remains unarmed (unless using martial arts).
  • Every time that the restrainer is attacked and takes damage, the restrained may attempt to break restraint.
  • If either party is hit with a knockback effect, then both are knocked back.
  • Although both parties occupy the same space, they can still be targeted separately (except by area of effect attacks).

While you are restraining someone, the basic actions you can perform are limited to the following:

Maintain Restraint: You do nothing but hold your victim still. Costs 15 STM
Grapple Attack: You may perform a universal technique upon your victim. Before you perform this action, your victim gets a chance to break restraint (via Break Out check). If they succeed, then they move to an available adjacent space and restraint immediately ends. Your attack fails if they manage to break away.

While you are restrained by someone, you cannot perform basic actions. However, you can still perform quick actions and this full turn action:

Break Out: You attempt to break out of someone's restraint. For each STR you have over your opponent you get + that bonus to your break out chance. For each point in STR your restrainer has over you, you get - that to your chance. A break out chance can't go below 25%, can't go above 75%, and starts at 50%, with no bonuses/penalties. Costs 15 STM

If you are restraining someone, you may choose to end the restraint as a free action and move to an available adjacent space. You remain unarmed.


When you have a character restrained, another character not involved may place a binding or imprisoning device on the restrained character. This could be rope, zip ties, handcuffs, or other device; most of them detailed in Engineering as Gadgets. How long it takes to set up, and how hard they are to break out of (Item Strength vs Strength) is listed with the piece of equipment.

With MAX Strength

When you have 100 Strength besides all modifiers, you gain the following ability.

Heavy Hitter (Ability) :: You no longer suffer any movement or recovery penalties for wielding a Heavy weapon.

The Strength Plus

The + in Strength effectively raises your Strength skill by 25.

Physical: AthleticsStealthStrength
Mental: AwarenessHarvestingPerceptionWillpower
Social: CharismaDeceitSpeechcraft
Craft: BlacksmithingChemistryEnchantmentEngineeringGunsmithing
Special: Angelic RunesInfernal Runes