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Nation Royal Eisenstaat Republic
Planet Earth
Government Semi-autonomous states ruled over by the Kaiser/Kaiserin, (Emperor/Empress).
Motto Bei Stärke wir siegen. ("By strength we prevail")
National color(s) Steel Grey and Forest Green
Population Approx. 16,000,000
Demographics 79% Human (incl. Neophytes/etc.), 7% Demons, 14% Other (Significant number of Cyborgs)
Location Western coast of Tellus Nova
Primary Languages Tautrich (Eisenstaaten)
Founded 1117 AE
Capital Stahlberg
Owner Robert


Eisenstaat is a large, industrial country that specializes in land-based applications of Aetheric technology (i.e., technology that harnesses the naturally abundant energies of Aether). It has a long history of tense diplomatic relations with the Fae, and relations with Druzhiyova are... complex, to say the least.


The Royal Eisenstaat Republic, more commonly referred to as Eisenstaat, began as a collection of duchies, baronies, and counties that formed after The Great Cataclysm. Until 1004 A.E., the small city-states were limited to the area south of what is now known as Draakengard, as Eluvina stretched all the way to the western coast of the continent.

As the population of the Tautrich peoples (as they called themselves) grew, new city-states sprang up, leading to border skirmishes with the Fae that would continue until the founding of Eisenstaat proper in 1117 A.E. This founding was pushed by Countess (Reichsgräfin) Schwanhild von Richter, whose county was located directly on the border of Eluvina at the time (now somewhere around central Eisenstaat). She argued that unification was necessary because a unified front would discourage the Fae from stealing more land than they needed. It wasn't until 1115, eight years after she started arguing for unification, that the other barons, dukes, and counts started taking her seriously due to rising tensions with the Fae. By this point, the Tautrich city-states had displaced much of the Fae territories, which were taking up the area now occupied by Eisenstaat. Border skirmishes were becoming more and more common, and everyone was concerned about war breaking out. Furthermore, the Aetheric technology that is now common in Eisenstaat, allowing them roughly equal footing with the magic-wielding Fae, was in its infancy at the time. In 1117, Schwanhild was crowned the first Kaiserin (Empress) of the Royal Eisenstaat Republic.

Necromancy was banned in 1288, following the outbreak of the Necromantic Wars in Banivia. There were relatively few necromancers proper in Eisenstaat, due to the growing field of the Aetheric Sciences.

In 1642, there was a widespread revolt of the common folk, demanding better treatment and representation, finally resulting in the then-current Kaiser Wolfram II passing the Rights of Man Act, detailing the responsibilities of a noble to his vassals and the methods by which his vassals could draw attention to abuses of power. The solution was imperfect, but it drastically reduced the number of gross abuses of power by giving more accountability to the nobles while simultaneously preventing the entire social structure from collapsing in on itself.

In 1875, a brief war broke out with Druzhiyova. The war lasted a year and a half, ending with grave losses on either side but no decisive victor. It is officially (and unimaginatively) termed the "War of 1875," but colloquially called either the "War of Pride" or "War of Embarrassment."

In 1973, the first manned Aethership mission from Disparatus arrived on Earth. Up to this point, Aetheric technology had not been used in more than weaponry and minor household utilities, though research in prosthetics had started in late 1969. The arrival of a spacefaring ship powered by Aether revolutionized the study of Aether, breathing new life to the stagnant field. Eisenstaat, along with its neighbor, Druzhiyova, soon made such great advances in Aethership technology as to corner the market.


Eisenstaat is ruled by a Kaiser/Kaiserin (Emperor/Empress) elected by the Council of Nobles. Each member of the council of nobles is the governor of one of the original duchies, counties, or baronies, collectively called "provinces", that were absorbed into the republic. The citizens of these provinces are represented by the noble that governs their area, but are also responsible for providing support to their lord. By the Rights of Man Act, the nobles are also responsible for providing a certain level of living, linked to their own personal prosperity, which is assessed annually by royal inspectors.

The current Kaiser of Eisenstaat is Ludolf von Richter.

Culture & Religion

The Tautrich people are very much concerned with order and structure in design and interaction, though less so in timing. Schedules are a little more fluid than in the United Provinces or Svaldon, as well as being less packed, but there are a plethora of "dos" and "don'ts" that pepper daily interaction. For example, it is considered highly inappropriate for a man to introduce himself to a woman at a formal event, even if he had previously met her at a casual gathering. He must wait for a common acquaintance to introduce them.

The majority of Eisenstaat citizens are not religious. In the 2309 census, 62% of citizens reported that they were agnostic or atheists. The remaining 38% is split between several other religions, including an adapted form of the Fae nature worship, some cults in the northern climes that have crossed the border from Draakengard, a smattering of Handoran and Ibadian-inspired religions, and Christianity.


Despite being involved in no wars since the War of 1875, Eisenstaat still fields a considerable military force, under the logic of, "If you would have peace, prepare for war." Bandits plague the roads to and from Draakengard with alarming regularity, and the military is often dispatched to deal with serious problems of such nature.

The enlistment age is seventeen years for men and twenty for women, who were forbidden entry until the passing of the Human Equality Act in 1794.

Much of the military uses Aetheric technology, to the point that Aetheric Engineers make up almost half of the recruits every year. This technology is involved in their weaponry, the fielded equipment, from medical devices to walking armored infantry transports, and even in the prosthetics used to replace lost limbs.

Places of Interest

Stahlberg: Stahlberg, capital of the Republic, is located at the peak of a large mountain in the center of Eisenstaat. The city is the former seat of office of Countess Schwanhild von Richter as the center of her county, and was also, at the time, a source of much of the steel used in the neighboring provinces. Its mines have now run dry, leaving it a point of political and military interest alone.