Osates Mensen

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Name Osjejre (Born Osates Mensen)
Gender Male
Born 1889 AE
Died 2071 AE (Age 182)
Height Approx. 6'2"
Weight Approx. 165 lbs.
Hair Grey
Race Alibaas
Affinity Unknown
Alignment Neutral
Weapon of Choice Book of Quests
Affiliation None
Player Tyler


Osates Mensen, also known as Osjejre, was the twelfth Keeper of Quests, having possession of the Book of Quests from 1928 AE until his death in 2071 AE. Osates was a historian who knew of and had been searching for the Book of Quests, finally locating it in 1928 and taking up work as Keeper of Quests. He remained in possession of the book until his death in 2071, where it was left alone before being taken by the United Provinces government in 2077, and being stolen by Malenne Tannis shortly thereafter.