Olympiad Abridged

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Title Olympiad Abridged
Number Free RP #334
Date 23 & 24 August 2016
Players Tyler, Isabel, DS, Aaron
Characters Karr, Verinne, Adrien, Sam
Setting Olympiad Stadium, Hardock, Ostfold, Disparatus

Timeline Summary

On the penultimate day of the 117th Olympiad, the bridge to the Olympiad Stadium in Hardock is stolen. Verinne is quite amused, while Adrien tries to figure out what actually happened. Karr flies in and offers to give them a lift to the stadium, and is accosted by a dwarf gymnast, who believes he is entitled to go first. Verinne promptly kicks him into the ocean. Karr flies the pair over, and they head into the stadium. Verinne stops at a popcorn stand, but finds no popcorn. Sam pops out of the stand and loads the machine with popcorn. Adrien passes out from popcorn overdose during the gymnastics finals. Karr mentions he's supposed to be tracking Roderick Dole, one of the athletes in the upcoming 400 Meter Hurdles event. Karr, Verinne, and Sam learn that Karr's contact entered the three of them (Sam under Adrien's name) into the event to get Karr to Dole. Verinne joins for the fun of it, while Sam agrees to help Karr get to Dole. They join Dole and the other competitors, a Refaltan and a Thuwadian, and begin the race. Struggling through hurdles and nonsensical traps, they screw over Dole and make it to the end. The judges announce Dole to have won Gold, and Verinne to have won Silver. Karr gives Verinne a bug to plant on Dole, which she does at the podium. The trio returns to the popcorn stand, which had gone out of control in their absence. Sam notes that he's working on a case tracking the bridge thieves, whom are part of a group which tends to make a spectacle of their thefts. He gives Verinne his card and heads off, with Verinne leaving soon after.

The next day, Verinne is informed that she actually finished the race before Dole, in spite of the judges declaring Dole the winner. Verinne becomes determined to get the gold medal from Dole at all costs.


  • First appearances of Vahn Cragglebeck, Roderick Dole, Horace Brustava, and Kravoxazh Ghaznshka-Andrews.