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Name Nymphs
Classification Mortal
Age Expectancy 100
Average Height 5'0-6'0
Average Weight 110-160 lbs
Body Normal
Spirit Enhanced
Soul Enhanced
Preferred Weapons Elemental Energy
Owner Kristen & Alicia

Nymphs are also known as Sirens. If you are looking for their similiarly-named cousin race, see Sirènes.



Nymphs, or Sirens as they are known when they are found near water, are said to be able to seduce all who hear their melodies. Stories tell of their songs pulling boats off course, and convincing sailors to dive into the sea, where they drown while they search for the source of the melodious voice. To date, no male nymphs have been discovered, as the race is believed to be exclusively female.

Due to stories of mortals' doom upon meeting them, most creation stories are are of woe. A wood nymph is born just as a tree is dying. On the morning of its last night, as the dew drops are falling from its dead branches, a young nymph will spring forth. Water nymphs have similar stories, where a water nymph is born just as a sailor drowns.

Nymphs take on a form that is vaguely human, although it tends to be distorted. They may have skin made of bark, or hair of fire, or leaves growing out of them. They have an ability to control plant life, and can make them come to life with the sound of their voices.

Knowledge:Folklore is required to know the existence of Nymphs or to recognize them.

Additional Lore

Folklore II, or Knowledge:Eluvina gives you the following information.

  • There are virtually no male nymphs. This is because the traits of nymphs are passed down through the mother’s lineage. For some reason, the traits only appear in less than 5% of the males born to female nymphs.
  • Due to the scarcity of male nymphs, the majority of the population is actually half nymph, half some other race. Given this, nymphs have a wide range of appearances they can take on. The most common characteristic between nymphs is that their bodies usually incorporate some aspect of nature, as stated above. However, it is this need for finding males of other races that feed into the myths about these creatures leading men to their doom. There are many documented (though generally unknown) cases of nymphs and their spouses staying together for many years.
  • Among other races, there is a great deal of confusion between Nymphs and Sirènes. Water nymphs have a tendency to spend a lot of time around the water, and are known to be very flirtatious. Over the years, they have gotten confused with their underwater cousin the sirènes, who do not share this trait. Thus, the second name for a Nymph is a Siren, but Sirens and Sirènes are not the same race.
  • Nymphs do not have an organized form of government, nor do they tend to have set groups. There is sometimes a group that moves around together, or lives together for a time, but they spend a great deal of time just moving from one spot to another. What they do have are areas that nymphs tend to gravitate toward. When one group of nymphs leaves an area, it is not uncommon to have a new wave come in shortly after. It is unknown if the population is able to sense where the others are, or if there are just specific places that appeal to the majority.

Racial Passive

Siren's Call (Racial Passive): As a woman born from nature, you're a tricky thing to pin down and control. You call out to those surrounding you, drawing them in whether they want to be or not. You were born with a natural curiosity about the world, which leaves you with a need to explore. You're intuitive to nature around you, much like your cousin the Faerie, but you lack the ability to fly.
Positives: +10 to Speechcraft, Charisma, or Deceit. Gender penalty is negated on your Charisma rolls. You receive Knowledge:Nature for free. When in a wooded area, +10 is added to Stealth rolls. You receive the Universal Passive Natural Charm for free. Once a day before battle (except for 1v1 battles), you have a 15% chance of using Back Down. If this succeeds, your target cannot use offensive moves for their first round.
Negatives: -10 Awareness. Gender penalty is negated on Charisma rolls used against you as well. If Back Down fails before battle, you get -5 STM for the first round.