Missing Timeline

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The Missing Timeline is the name given to a mostly unseen version of history in New Epic following Ganchi Hiaba's attempt to travel through time on 8 August 2323 AE during the Original Timeline, sending him back to early 2320 AE.

The Missing Timeline is, for the most part, identical to the Current Timeline up until 28 July 2324, where Aberrant succeeded in his mission at Slotheim Manor, returning the blue and green Laquiri to Parus Vandir. Shortly after this point, the Missing Timeline ended when the Original Timeline's Ganchi retrieved the red Laquir. He used it to break the Two Year Gap barrier, travelling back in time to 4 August 2287, creating the Current Timeline.

Differences between the timelines are fairly small, due to the only changing factor being Hiaba himself. For a full list of differences, see Timeline Differences.