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A bastardization of the English language, often decipherable but hardly ideal for conveying coherent thought. Generally involving the use of misplaced or omitted letters (destory, skeltons, orchichalicum).

  • From 29 September 2006:

Advocate Bishop: ::cries:: I have to translate this draft from Justinese...Look at this:
Advocate Bishop: "Sub-Races: These are races that have a race within themselves. These races, are still 100% Pure, its just that evolution has put them at a cross roads."
Advocate Bishop: Translated version:
"Sub-Races: These are unique races formed from two or more different races."
Advocate Bishop: And this:
Advocate Bishop: Droid
Unnatrual Juggarnaught (Racial Passive): Droids are fully mechicanal creatures, sometimes capable of human like thoughts. They resist ailments immensely, it is hard to crack into there mind, or distrubt the hardwire system that they have inside of there body. They are considered much more "advanced" than robots.
Advocate Bishop: It's like he couldn't choose between disturb or disrupt, so he put them together..
Tylinos: ...

  • From 30 September 2006:

Advocate Bishop: Next on the translation list:
Advocate Bishop: Demon Kind: The History for Demon's are yet to come, just know that Orginal Demon's, are actualy Angels. The first "demon" was Lucifer. Demon's cover a wide range, but mostly all Demon's have a Proxy instead of a Soul, in which Lucifer grants power through. If your Demon has a true Soul, or is a Special case, contact Tsuyoi Zetsumei on AIM.
Devil's Being (Racial Passive): Demon's are creatures of immense power, and trickery. They use Demonic Energy, which is highly destructive, and is reflected in the affinity "Moon".
Positives: Void techniques do 10% Less Damage to Demon's, Moon Techniques take a paragraph less to train. +5 Stealth. You may advance to Archfiend, when reaching level 10 on your first death with a speciality quest.
Negatives: Sun Techniques do +5% more damage to Demon's. Sun and Rift Techniques take a paragraph more to train. -5 Awareness

Archfiend (Advance Racial Passive): Demons of immense power, and some of the trickest. They are truely starting to understand their own bodies, and the limits of such a power that they contain.
Positives: This overwrites Devil's Being passive. Void Techniques do 20% Less Damage to Archfiends. Moon Techniques take two paragraphs less to train. +10 (+15 Stealth, if that character is not of a Nuetral Alignment) Stealth. If Fighting an Angel or an Archangel, the Archdemon may declare a one on one fight, where the loser dies. When an Archdemon is KO'ed there is a 15% chance it will instead be to 1 HP. If an Archdemon is killed, theres a 25% chance that ittl instead be KOed. You can access the power of a Runic Beast OR A Devil's Advocate, when you become level 20, and at are at least on your third death.
Negatives: Sun is now unusable, and Rift takes a paragraph longer to train. They recieve +15% More damage from Sun Affinity attacks. -10 Awareness

Runic Beast (Surpreme Racial Passive I): The most evil of Demons, thier are only five (main) Runic Beasts known. There is legend to be an even more powerful Demon. They are considered S Class demons, and are immensed into the Dark Arts.
Effect: You may only have either Runic Beast, or Devil's Advocate, you may not have both, ever.
Positive: This overwrites Archfiend, All Techniques but Sun and Rift, do -15% less damage to Runic Beasts. If fighting an angel lower than Archangel, they may force that angel to run away. If they are fighting one on one with an Angel, they may force that Angel into a fight to the death. Moon Affinity and Void Affinity attacks take 2 Paragraphs less to train. When an Runic Beast is KO\'d there is a 15% chance of it being instead moved to 1 HP. When a Runic beast is Killed, there is a 50% chance of it instead being KOed, +15 Steath
Negatives: They cannot use any Affinity, by Moon and Void. They recieve 25% More damage from Sun Affinity Attacks, and 10% more damage from Rift Affinity Attacks. -15 Awareness

Devil's Advocate (Surpeme Racial Passive II): These are Demon's, that are still immesenly powerful, however they dabble in many more arts, then Runic Beasts. These are considered A+ Demons.
Effect: You may only have either Runic Beast, or Devil's Advocate, you may not have both, ever.
Positive: This overwrites Archfiend, they cannot use Sun, or Rift Techniques. Void techniques do 15% Less damage to Devil Advocates. Moon, Fire, and Void techniques take 1 paragraph less to train. when a Devil's Advocate is KO'd, there is a 25% Chance of moving to 1 HP. When a Devil's Advoicate is Killed, there is a 35% Chance of it instead being KO'd. +15 Stealth, you now gain +1 Unique Passive.
Negatiives: They cannot use Sun or Rift affinity. They Recieve 20% More damage from Sun Affinity Attacks. -15 Awareness.

Tylinos: It's all Greek to me.
Advocate Bishop: Not Greek.
Advocate Bishop: Justinese.
Advocate Bishop: Example.
Advocate Bishop: Before:
Advocate Bishop: Rift Being
Rift Soul (Racial Passive): These creature's Soul's are made of Rift energy. There is no Rift "Half-Race", they can only breed with humans, and that is a very rare case. Most of these Rift Beings are highly unstable, and will attack any living creature with a Soul. However, some Rift Being's have some strange insane will to try to live normaly, despite what lay dorment in them.
Positives: Base Stats are constantly modifed by 10%. Rift Attacks do 5 more damage, 5% more chance of inflict, cost 5 less SP, 5 less AP, and have a Max 35% ATK Bonus, and a Max 30% DEF Bonus, also rift start up moves take 1 less action to start up . Rift Being's can stay in the Rift Realm, without penality, with triple stats, and triple bonuses given to Rift Attacks.
Advocate Bishop: After:
Advocate Bishop: Outsider
Rift Soul (Racial Passive): Outsiders' souls are made of Rift energy. There is no Rift "Half-Race"; they can only breed with humans (which is still an extremely rare case). Most of these Rift beings are highly unstable and will attack any living creature with a soul. However, some Outsiders have some strange, inexplicable will to try to live normally despite what lies dorment inside them.
Positives: Base stats (including HP/SP) are constantly increased by 10%. Rift techniques are considered one level of mastery higher andcost 5 less SP/AP. Rift techniques have a maximum 55% ATK bonus and a maximum 45% DEF Bonus. Rift start up techniques require 1 less action to start up. Outsiders can stay in The Rift without penality, with triple stats, and with triple bonuses given to Rift techniques.
Negatives: Outsiders cannot transform, cannot have a Desperation technique, and cannot gain a + to skills.
Tylinos: Ugh.
Advocate Bishop: So much redundancy...

  • Also from 30 September 2006:

Advocate Bishop: ARGH!
Advocate Bishop: He changes the name of Archfiends in their description.
Tylinos: ...
Advocate Bishop: " Void Techniques do 20% Less Damage to Archfiends. Moon Techniques take two paragraphs less to train. +10 (+15 Stealth, if that character is not of a Nuetral Alignment) Stealth. If Fighting an Angel or an Archangel, the Archdemon ..."
Advocate Bishop: ::stamps an F on it::
Tylinos: ...That's just...
Advocate Bishop: The worst case of Justinese you likely wouldn't understand because it's technical.
Tylinos: Try me.
Advocate Bishop: In the conversion from CoH (the last version of CCC) from Epic, the stat system was completely redone. As well as damage.
Advocate Bishop: In the CCC incarnations, battle was done by 'Charges.' You could spend your turn attacking or Charging. When you attacked, you could spend any number of accumulated charges on said attack.
Tylinos: Okay.
Advocate Bishop: Its damage was multiplied by the number of charges used. Obviously, if the enemy dodged your attack, you just lost your charges. As a result, battles became 90% charging.
Advocate Bishop: To the point where we would skip 5 turns so that everyone could charge.
Tylinos: I can see why that was replaced.
Advocate Bishop: (This system was pioneered by CoH v1, which was a DBZ RPG)
Advocate Bishop: Accurate, no?
Tylinos: Yep.
Advocate Bishop: Anyways, in Epic, charges were replaced by AP (Action Points). You have 3 actions per turn and each attack is assigned an AP cost. You only have 100 AP per turn, so you could either do, say, three weaker attacks or one stronger one.
Advocate Bishop: It opens up loads of strategy and innovation.
Tylinos: Alright.
Advocate Bishop: Anyways, in one of the weapon stores Justin made for Epic, he made a cannon that not only increased INT (a stat that doesn't exist in Epic), but also increased damage per charge.
Advocate Bishop: There are no charges in Epic.
Advocate Bishop: It's just...
Advocate Bishop: Where has he been these past eight months?! He's an administrator!