History of Epic

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The following is a compendium of various information on the history of Epic, and the games which led up to it. It was originally started on the Old Wiki, and worked on by various people, so thanks go to everyone in Epic for this. Additions to it are encouraged as always.

Please add to any Notable Characters sections that just say "I dunno," when you can.

In 2006, someone created a page on Wikipedia with information on Epic and its history, which was deleted a few months later. However, a backup of the article can be found here. (Alternate link here)

First Generation (2000 - 2002)

Fist of the Dragon (FoD)

About: A text-based RP from around 2000 that eventually led off into UFoD. Little information remains available about FoD, but Greg has stated that "it all started when Tapion began a training mission on Char, because it wasn't very clear what the point of the fkn game was in FoD."

Ultimate Fist of the Dragon (UFoD)

Notable Characters: Artaya, Colra, Izmal, Goku, Vejita, Chaotsu, Bardock, Tien, Mr. Popo, Master Roshi, Gohan, Tapion, Piccolo, Kururin
Administration: Greg, Jon

About: The group that would form the foundation of "Epic" begins. This game was very simple, and revolved around Dragonball Z. Even though the game was simple, it was very active. The boards had life. Even if the quests weren't the length of novels, there was a constant flow of them being posted. No one really knew each other by their names, the players were their characters. It wasn't rare to see a post on the board by "Vejita" to "Goku" asking for permission to use his space ship with artificial gravity for a quest 3 months down to road to kill Cell.

Greg's Comment: "I was the oldest at the time, only 16. It was a pretty good game ran for players ages 9-13. If an epic quality quest had been posted then, it would have been mind blowing. But some things are just better seen for yourself: http://p221.ezboard.com/bchronicalofheros (And now it's gone.)

Players that started all the way back here that you can still find at Epic sometimes: Greg, Dave, Kev1n, Mark, Jared, James, and Ryan"

Greg also noted elsewhere that "I can safely say that UFoD opened officially at 8:02 pm, 3/26/01."

Miscellaneous Quotes:
BlindedJusticeLP: I just remembered the first RPG we did where I blew up the earth as Vejita on accident
BlindedJusticeLP: Greg: Dice roll...You blew up the planet. Great going Kevin
artayadorvay: I don't know why I let you do that.
artayadorvay: I think Artaya was so upset you blew the Earth up that he committed sepuku.
artayadorvay: Am I remembering right?
BlindedJusticeLP: Yes you are right
BlindedJusticeLP: And I was SO bad at being Vejita
artayadorvay: Artaya was Earth's guardian in UFoD.
BlindedJusticeLP: You even scolded me for it
TheCrimsonExodus: If you blew up the planet, you were apparently better at being Vegeta than he was.
artayadorvay: But when the Earth was annihilated, instead of just complaining like a little pussy like Picollo would have.
artayadorvay: Artaya sliced open his stomach and bled all over the place until he was dead.
BlindedJusticeLP: God so many old moments from like 6 years ago
BlindedJusticeLP: I still quote Dave as SHIZNIT

Chronicles of Heroes (CoH)

Notable Characters: Artaya, Colra, Izmal, Goku, Vejita, Chaotsu, Master Roshi, Gohan, Mister Popo, Picollo, etc
Administration: Greg, Jon

About: Mainly it was a name-change. Nothing major happened, mechanically. Greg soon left for the army.

Greg's Comment: "CoH was an idea that never got off the ground. Basically, UFoD came to a pause and some of us started working on something new. Namely me, Jon, and another Jordan (Mirai Trunks on UFoD). The concept was to create character sheets with stats that actually did something, since the battle system in UFoD was painfully simple. A few characters were made, the biggest advancement being made to the "technique" concept. This was the first time the idea of an evolving technique was introduced, one that began at basic and worked its way up in mastery. It was also to be a break away from dbz into an "anything goes" universe. Characters being made still included dbz characters, but also included characters from other anime, video games, and original characters like mine; Artaya. A few character sheets were made. At around that point, I left for military school for more than six months and everything came to a grinding halt. I had no contact with anyone from UFoD and have no idea how they progressed from there."

Second Generation (CCC) (2003 - 2004)

Chaotic Century Chronicles I (CCC1)

Notable Characters: Sonic, Inuyasha, Naruto, Hiei, Ghost, Vash, Kagome, Kite, Cao Cao, Mewtwo, Hwaorang, Sesshoumaru
Administration: David, Jared, Kev1n

About: CCC began because of a fanfic written by Kevin1. Yes, you read that correctly. He and Dave discussed for a week or so the idea of making it into an RPG along the lines of UFoD, as Greg was leaving. They eventually did. The fanfic can be found here, and its sequel here.

CCC1 saw an influx of new members, including Seth, Bishop, Justin, Janell, and others. Its battle system was still largely based around the CoH system, which itself was an adaptation of the Dragonball Z anime. It began what would become the first of scores of Khranis sagas, revolving around a demon dragon (don't ask) lord that tried to do some sort of evil shit. Magical items were almost always hidden innocuously in chandeliers, resulting in them being seized and smashed on sight. It would not be uncommon for a group of a dozen heroes to walk into a room and fight amongst each other for the right to destroy the chandelier.

Hiei once kidnapped Kagome, because he could. She managed to escape, and when word got around the world that Kagome could, in fact, be kidnapped, it became the cool thing to do. In fact, kidnapping Kagome became a rite of passage for all beings that sought to be evil. Scores of times was she abducted, and murdered at least a hundred. In the world of CCC, you see, death is only a temporary inconvenience. That is, unless you're Ghost, one of few characters to die and stay dead. It was probably because he was a minority.

Kite was the subject of two running gags: Data Drain and Ultima. Ultima was a move that had a 10% chance of instantly KOing the enemy (which eventually grew to 15% and then 20%). However, after being used 121 times, the chance of KO never landed, not once. Since few people back then knew who Kite was, he was often ignored in battles, leading to the running gag that his skill, Data Drain, moved so slowly that it could be regarded as wholly insignificant. It spawned the analogy 'at Data Drain speed.' Kite finally met his doom when Data Drain moved too slowly to shut down a bomb.

Hiei once went into training with the demon Muteki, later resulting in him shattering both of his legs.

This bound him to a wheelchair, immortalizing him as Wheelie Hiei. He was tended to by Nurse Fluffy (Sesshoumaru).

It should also be noted that in CCC1, players were only allowed one character, and they were non-originals only.

Around the middle of CCC1, a Mortal Kombat tournament was held, featuring everyone in CCC against the characters of Mortal Kombat. The tournament was done partly as a board quest, and partly as a chat quest. The final match of the tournament came down to Inuyasha (Dave) against Shao Kahn, in which Inuyasha was the victor.

The Wikipedia article states that CCC1 opened in mid-July 2003 "from the joint efforts of long-time members Jared, Kevin 1, Mark, and David." A few months after CCC1 began (September 2003?), a tournament called the Dark Tournament was set to be held. However, "five minutes before the tournament's launch, the server crashed," resulting in a complete loss of CCC1's data.

Seth noted that "I like how us taking the game to the next level (stepping up from Early CCC to Mid-CCC) was a figurative burning our old things to make room from the new, and was a literal burning. Our server was down because the building housing it burnt to the ground. It was during the first Dark Tournament, and that's how the superstition surrounding it started." And so CCC2 was born.

According to Kevin1, "Before CCC became CCC2, there was a huge tournament involving team battles. Sonic and Inuyasha were on a team, and in the championship round, Inuyasha was defeated. Sonic proceeded to dodge EVERY attack aimed at him by Artaya and Naruto...thus making a unanimous decision to change the dodging system in CCC2."

"I also held three big Sagas in CCC," he added. "The Khranis saga, The Chaos Saga, and The Ultimate Life Form saga. The last two were basically Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 adapted to CCC...which was actually quite interesting. The Chaos Saga ended with Super Sonic, Inuyasha, and Drago defeating Chaos. The ULF saga ended with Super Sonic and Shadow teaming up with a Sith star fleet to beat the Prototype ULF."

Regarding Khranis, Kev1n had this to say:
"The original Khranis saga was actually one of the first chat quests to be held. It took place with a country named Gaia that was nothing but a dead wasteland. The characters Inuyasha, Drago, Ghost, among others, found an artifact that transported them to the past over 300 years. There they found the land as a kingdom under seige by a demon lord named Khranis, who had been summoned by the Black Arms. He was slowly destroying the land, with his base being a large tower made of human skulls in the middle of a dark jungle, the jungle dying from the taint of his evil.

The heroes eventually summoned the land's savior, an angel named Gaia, and with his help destroyed Khranis. They sealed him in a jar, destroying the tower. Then, a year later from that quest was held, the second part took place where the Black Arms returned in present Gaia, and began assasinating governors to try and find the jar that held the soul of Khranis. He was ressurected in the body of a young warrior named Hajiko, Khranis possessing him.

Thats when Will cut off his three limbs and all that good stuff and killed him. Supposedly."

An overview of CCC1 by Kev1n, October 2009:
"CCC was basically just a way for us to have fun back when we were around 14 or 15. Dave, Jared, and I had all met in Greg's UFoD RPG, and FoD before that. I had just written the Darkness Chronicles fanfic, based off my young childhood interest in the Smash Brothers game for N64 and Sonic Adventure 2 for Gamecube. Greg was leaving for the military, and I just wanted to keep RPing. It made the days go by.

Dave and I got together, knowing UFoD was done for, and talked about a new RPG. I threw out the idea I had in my fanfic, of a world where video game characters and anime characters were all in the same universe, interacting with each other. He was on board, and we both came up with many of the rules and continents. I threw out the name Nextgen as the world. Seems kind of childish now, it was just a shortened version of Next Generation that they were calling the Gamecube and everything then.

There were a LOT of fun sagas, quests. I really liked my annual halloween special SAW quests, which would carry over and become more frequent in following CCCs. We all had a hand in running the game. Bishop was particularly good at original ideas. I was a main GM that acutally finished Quests at the time.

We had taken an RPG we loved and played for over a year and advanced it, made it our own with ideas and characters we loved. The game grew, and I lasted 3 generations with it. I got to see the rising of Bishop, Aaron, and many others. Its funny to look at what it evolved into, the new Epic, and think how simple yet fun origins it had way back in the day, some 6 years ago and how the evolution of it has become so grand."

Miscellaneous Quotes:
"Some guy was in a Yu-gi-oh tournament and said the last guy he faced cheated and pretended not to know. So Dave asked "What did he do, punch you in the face, rip up your card, and shout "I win!"?", so now we do that all the time in CCC"

"Ultima ¤Level 2¤: A black magic spell, it lowers the user's alignment to Nuetral-Chaotic. It hits all enemies for 400 damage per charge. Has a 10% chance of instant KO.
Uses: 70
KO count: 0"

(This count became even more absurd by the end of CCC2, as noted in its section.)

"Gaze: instant KO. Requires five charges."

Penultima Omega: 'In Old CCC (long story..), the main villain was named Mundus. He was all but invincible, a demon lord, and wanted to take over the world. HUUUGE cliche. So now, we use him as all kinds of jokes.. my favorite being: "Oh no..Mundus is more evil than before. He has reincarnated into...a pizza boy."
"Mundus the pizza boy walks up to the house.
Mundus> Here you are, that'll be $12.50.
Person> ::opens the pizza:: But..there's no pepperoni on it!!
Tylinos: "Old CCC?"
Penultima Omega: "Back when CCC had different rules and on the old server.. when the server crashed, we reset the game with new rules and a new story."

Kevin: "Okay Dave, you RP as Knuckles as the NPC. He wont fight though. *Chaos rises above the water, in his perfect form. Sonic, glowing golden stares him down, Inuyasha standing next to him*"
Dave: "great, Im the echidna who thinks hes black. Knuckles: SHIZNIT! OH SHIZNIT!"
Jared: "Drago: I Swim to enemy! *Drago jumps in the water, forgetting he cant swim, and is wearing heavy armor.*"
Dave: "Knuckles: SHIZNIT! *jumps in and saves the drowning Drago*"
Dave: "Eggman: *Comes back after being blasted by Chaos, with a huge bandaid over his eye* DIE GNOW!"
Kevin: "....."

Chaotic Century Chronicles II (CCC2)

Notable Characters: I dunno.
Administration: David, Jared, Kev1n

About: Following the loss of CCC1's server, the game was rebuilt as CCC2. It now allowed two characters per person, and eventually allowed for original characters. Apparently, at one time, Hiei infused himself with Sephiroth's blood and became Hieiroth. In one quest, the person that everyone cared about most was kidnapped (Niobe for Ghost, Kagome for Inuyasha, Amy for Sonic, etc), but nobody knew who to kidnap for Mewtwo. So they said his cake was kidnapped. By March 2004, it was determined that CCC2's system was too full of holes, so they had to restart it. "For example, a level 11 has higher ATP than Laaik (Level 20 at the time, I believe) ...while transformed. This level 11 has 404 ATP." (ATP, I assume, was the CCC version of ATK.)

Surprisingly, a log of a spar from late CCC2 (Mewtwo vs. Earth) still exists. It can be viewed on the forums in the Old Archived RPs section, and gives some insight as to how people and the CCC2 system were at the time.

It can be assumed that CCC2 started around 24 September 2003 based on a quote from Boship in a log from that day, mixed with the above character notes:
"You can have original characters in CCC now. And once you get to level 20, you get your character frozen and can pick two new ones." This is also backed up by the Wikipedia article noting that CCC2 is when two characters were first allowed.

The Wikipedia article also notes on CCC2 that "at the end of its life, problems began to spring up. There was no set guideline for item or equipment making, so GMs each created items by their own standards. As a result, there were characters with game-breakingly high stats (for example, a character, Drago, with 350 Attack Power and 270 Defense, hundreds above what could be called the average). The three owners of the game came to the decision to shutdown CCC2 and revamp the system."

Miscellaneous Quotes:
"In a quest in CCC, there was a riddle that we had to solve in a quest to finish it. Everybody kept guessing and getting it wrong. So Weapon, being the genius he is, started shouting out random things (he went through about forty...)
"Pie! Duck! Rubber duck! Bunny! Dead bunny! EVIL DEAD BUNNY!"
He finally got to "PIANO!" and the door opened... (though he kept shouting things after the door opened)"

Someone BMing a Weapon Quest:
"Weapon is walking among the grassy knoll around some place, when he hears a scream for help. "A cry for help, eh? Sounds like a job for... WEAPON!" He runs off to where he heard the scream.

Weapon arrived at a house in the middle of the plains, and he tried to walk through the door. Obviously, it didn't work. "PIANO!" he shouted.... didn't work. "GAH!" he screamed, trying to beat down the door. "Wait... I know!" he exclaimed, and turned the doorknob. Surprisngly, it worked! he walked inside. "BOO YAH! I'M SO SMART!" he yelled, pumping his fist into the air. He walked into the kitchen, where he saw a woman trapped under a stove! "HA HA!" he yelled, and pointed at her. He then put the stove on, lighting her on fire. He giggled like a school girl and ran away into the night."

Boship, regarding Kite, Ultima, and Hiei on 10 March 2004:
"Kite is officially the second-unluckiest person in CCC's history. He had this attack, Ultima. 10% chance of KO. I was supposed to keep track of the number of times it was used, and the number of times the 10% KO worked.
Ultima Use Count: 113
KO count: 0

Now comes the insult added to injury. A new level 1 character had a move with 5% KO and used it against Kite. First time it hit, it rolled a 1.

The unluckiest is Hiei. He's been through a bunch of crap;...getting crippled and put in a wheelchair twice, getting Inuyasha and the Dark Knights (most powerful cult/guild) sent after him numerous times.. Getting dice raped more times than Kite.. He had a couple 100 HP left once and used his desperation attack... It would've done about 10,000 damage. Would've killed the whole group of people he was fighting (Weapon included), so Weapon used a last-ditch move to reflect it.... and it rolled a 20, winning."

Seth, on the end of CCC2:
"Hieiroth broke 1,000 in all stats through a long series of contrived and weird stuff. Basically... It was our end of the world scenario for CCC, we were restarting. Kenshin had a vial of Sephiroth's blood from when he and Hiei beat him in a tournament. Kenshin had a vial that granted you so much power of the person whose blood was in it. Kenshin died. Hiei took the vial. Basically, Halo was activating and everyone was going to die. So I said "Fuck it, time to go all out." Drank Sephiroth's blood. Absorbed the Dragon (his best transformation). Opened all 8 Gates (yes, from Naruto, he trained under Gai). He then killed everything in sight until all life was wiped out."

SethTheXenocide: XD, if you don't do any retcon...
SethTheXenocide: He actually survived the destruction of that universe and made it into Epic's.
SethTheXenocide: All stats at 1000+ basically made him a god.
SethTheXenocide: So he...survived the unvierse's destruction.
Advocate Boship: Well, he would have to have dodged the end of the universe. If he was hit, he would die.
SethTheXenocide: He was, and this was years ago it was ever brought up, locked up in some cave somewhere on some planet, supremely weakened.
Advocate Boship: So, let's settle it for all time. 50% chance of dodging the end of the universe. Roll it, Seth.
SethTheXenocide: Okay.
SethTheXenocide: 50%
OnlineHost: SethTheXenocide rolled 1 100-sided die: 35
SethTheXenocide: Dodged.
Advocate Boship: He lives.
SethTheXenocide: So, yes.
SethTheXenocide: He's hidden away on some planet in Epic.
SethTheXenocide: Just lying there, super weak.
Advocate Boship: Where they'll never find him...
Advocate Boship: Existia.
SethTheXenocide: DUN DUN DUN

Hieiroth did eventually return due to this conversation, as a boss in Universe Game, where it was said he had been trapped and powerless in the CCCoH Universe after CCC2 was destroyed.

Chaotic Century Chronicles III (CCC3)

Notable Characters: I dunno.
Administration: David, Jared, Kev1n (Bishop was a temporary fill-in for Dave when he took a break in April 2004 just prior to the CC:CoH merger.)

A Geocities infopage on CCC3 from the time existed for a while but OOPS GEOCITIES IS GONE NOW.

About: Started on 19 March 2004. CCC3 allowed three characters per person, and apparently added the 'luck' skill. It had an "ill-fated field system" and eventually collapsed into CCCoH. And by eventually I mean very soon. When speaking to Greg on it, he said that it didn't run long. This is backed up by CCCoH's start date of less than three weeks later. In late April 2004, a little over a month after it started, CCC3 merged into CC:CoH. To end off CCC3, the Covenant glassed over the planet. Yep.

The Wikipedia article claims that CCC3 started in January 2004. However, IM logs from the time clearly state its opening to be 19 March 2004. An unrelated pair of quotes from Boship also back up the fact that the 19 March 2004 reset was in fact the start of CCC3 rather than just part of it:

22 March 2004: "Kite got killed two days ago in CCC... The day after CCC started. Stupid Gaara."

I dunno: "I still remember the very first spar of CCC3. Dave was Gaara, I was Kite. First round, he charges, second round he uses Sabaku Sousou and rolls the 5% KO."

Chaotic Century: A Chronicle of Heroes (CCCoH)

Notable Characters: Artaya Dorvay, Zatenrai Seijun, Drago, Drake Grimnir, Lumenesc, Lady Zero, Inuyasha, Angelious, etc.
Administration: Greg, Jon, and Dave

The CCCoH forums still exist, and can be found here.

About: It has been noted by Greg that "CC:CoH started exactly 12:21am, on 4/7/04. My 20th birthday." CC:CoH initially started as just CoH once more, but had its name changed when it merged with CCC3 in late April. Note 1 Note 2

Bishop particularly disliked CCCoH's setup, and set out to make Epic because of this along with other members, beginning to plan as early as May 2004. Epic was named in late June 2004.

Greg's Long Interlude of History

"I created the ATK/DEF system the way it still is, and I introduced the 50% dodge cap into CCC. I also created the first set of status effects and introduced them into the technique system. At the time they handled stat gains and it was practically random as well. Basically however they felt they should put points based on the character. As a result, the power curve was totally wack. There were retardedly strong characters and really undercut weak characters.

Basically I had a short spurt of time between military school and basic training. In it I did the best I could to help. I did the status effects, tried to give them a "standard" way to level up characters, and the atk/def system as well as the dodge cap. And I suggested intelligence (which also did nothing) be used to gauge how long it takes to train shit or something.

When I got back from basic training, it was totally fucked up again. They'd introduced some kind of weird "field effect". They'd made their game so difficult to grasp from sheer disorganization that I didn't even care to play it. A lot of people felt the same way. Several players asked me to do something; namely Mark, Ryan, and James. So I made Chaotic Century: A Chronicle of Heroes.

It was mostly a completely different game, going off what I learned from CCC and from my original desire for a game after UFoD. But I gave the owners of CCC staff powers, ownership, and part of the name because they actually kept everything going while I was gone. In CoH I standardized character stats, introduced unchanging scores, standardized equipment, leveling up, etc. Basically what CCC was with some good additions, but most importantly organized. The "chaotic" part of the title no longer had anything to do with the way the game was played.

Halfway through, the game still lacked something though; the techniques were still 100% unique, which was cool. But it was confusing, and hard to keep the game balanced. Some people would end up with retarded moves no matter how hard I tried. So I invented the tech guide, the point allotment and status effect chance system to standardize all techniques into "tiers". Basically exactly what it is in epic, except rougher and a lot less advanced.

I was getting a lot of new members, and everything was pretty much ok. The only glaring problem that remained was that I hadn't done anything about the stupid charge forever then attack system. But at some point around when I got into my second year of college, a lot of my regular players started showing up less; stopped paying attention.

I guess Bishop started making another game on the side, and Dave and Kevin got interested. They basically took everything CoH had, then created the three action with AP system. Which was really ingenious. I don't know what else they did really, but they made Epic. Basically I was totally abandoned by a handful of players. It wasn't even a crippling blow to CoH at all. I still had tons of members, I could have done something. But at the time, it really hurt my feelings. So I totally scrapped CoH. Everyone went to Epic, which was a good evolution.

Epic is a great game. But I didn't try to play it for at least three years. I always did everything myself, and everything was so well organized because I managed everything and put pieces where I wanted them. Even though they were staff, they never got the chance to do anything. Even if they got to make or create something, it was usually under my direction somehow. So basically; Epic was their chance to explode and finally do what they wanted with their own ideas. I should have just helped them."

Third Generation (Old Epic) (2005 - 2009)

EPIC v1.0 (January 2005 - July 2005)

Notable Characters: Hiei(Seth), Kite(Bishop), Seijun(Dave), Meir'Locin(Kev1n), Inuyasha(Kev1n), Drago(Jared), Weapon(Bishop)
Owners: Bishop, Dave, Kev1n. (Jared also had some power, but wasn't a full Owner yet.)

About: Epic launched on the 15th of January 2005. In the words of Bishop:
"Epic officially started because someone started an RP, which was immediately followed by a staff chat demanding "who the fuck said we were launching the game?"
and it was followed by a chorus of "I dunnos"
and so Epic launched"
He went on to note that "Dave was Neji. Jared was...whoever Jared was. Janell and Aaron were those guys from Chrono Crusade. Seth was...Shikamaru?"

Following that Free RP, Epic was officially started later that day with a quest that involved the Virad sabotaging the newly invented INT-TEL device.

The backstory of Epic in those days wasn't quite all that polished yet, and the era was generally used to test the Epic system. And by test I mean just talking about testing and not actually doing anything. After a few months, everyone decided just to forget it all and move on to the first full version of Epic.

By June, it was generally agreed that "the minor imperfections and flaws in the game's system were beginning to pile up. The staff (with Jared now replacing Kev1n as one of the three owners of EPIC) met and decided to remedy this problem before it got out of hand with a massive update of the game, revamping the stats, skills, items, et cetera. It took a month of procrastination and moderately hard work to get the update ready to launch."

EPIC v1.5 (July 2005 - September 2006)

Notable Characters: I dunno.
Owners: Bishop, Jared, Dave, Justin (Briefly, when Jared was on hiatus.)

About: Following the testing period, Epic was brought into full form on 15 July 2005. (Date provided by the Wikipedia article ) The first major event in the story following this was the Thuwadian Conflict of 2315 during the summer months. Things happened, and laughs were had. Following the Thuwadian Conflict was the Second Virad War Arc, which lasted through the autumn up until the 22nd of December 2005. Also, the characters of Seth and Aaron came to the story around November 2005.

In June 2005 were the infamous Chuunin Exams, along with the Riven Saga. Around August was the Sound Five Saga. It followed the original story from Naruto mostly, but the Konoha ninjas started to lose after a while in Epic. However, in one particular battle, Kidoumaru of the Sound ninja fought Gaara. Gaara killed him in one attack before he even saw him coming. In the first battle, Leader of Konoha (Shikamaru) vs Leader of Sound (Akira), were faced with no options left, and both opened the Death Gate, which doubles a user's power for a few minutes, but they die afterward. (Note that for the following, Ukon is another Sound ninja)
TheCrimsonExodus (3:56:05 PM): Akira shows up. "Hey, dudes, did that Tea Country slave dressed up as me kill Shikamaru?"
TheCrimsonExodus (3:57:25 PM): Ukon waits atop a branch, huffing furiously as he waits for the reinforcements.
TheCrimsonExodus (3:57:43 PM): Soon, he sees a boy in the distance, seemingly taking his sweet time.
TheCrimsonExodus (3:58:13 PM): Ukon opens his mouth to shout at him, but he only manages to choke. He looks down to see a lance of sand protruding from his throat.
TheCrimsonExodus (3:58:15 PM): He falls off the tree.

On the 1st of October 2005 was the infamous Gas Bombs incident, as recounted by Bishop:

"Oh man, we have a new running gag in Epic...

Well, I held a huge quest last night. Split the PCs into teams pitted against each other. The defensive team set up a bunch of gunners. The offensive team sent in a stealthy special ops team to take out the gunners. All the defense knew was that their gunners mysteriously died. So, the leader of the defense came to the logical conclusion that any sane man would. Seijun (strongest offense PC) went to the basement planted gas bombs in the ventilation shaft.

Note: There was no ventilation shaft.

So the defense took ALL of their NPCs down to the basement to stop this phantom gas bomb. Now we make jokes about Kougi (defense leader) randomly popping out of thin air shouting "GASSS BOOOMMBB!!" "

TheCrimsonExodus: Kougi pops out of a mailbox next to Genryu. "GAS BOOOMMMBBB!"
TheCrimsonExodus: Kougi is also frozen in shock, mostly because the gas bomb hasn't gone off yet.

By mid-January 2006, Oujou had died six times. By mid-September this had increased to about 18. One last event from the end of this time in Epic was that Planetouched was held around September 2006. As history shows, that never finished.

Some new members began to join in this period, including Isabel in January 2006. Other people joined as well, but I forget.

In early 2006, Bishop and others began work on Vacant Sky, a game based vaugely around some of the story in Epic. The game's first act would be released three years later.

Bishop once noted in this era that "We found a way to make a character have nearly 1,000 Speed. A power Weapon obtained via a ritual is the Mourning Star, which sacrifices someone in order to take their power temporarily. James and I planned a way to become a god temporarily--sacrificing Kangetsu, his character, whom is insanely powerful. Weapongetsu {or Sailerigetsu} would be stronger than Zatenrai Seijun, the villain of the game."

EPIC v2.0 (October 2006 - Spring 2007)

Notable Characters: I dunno.
Owners: Bishop, Jared, Dave

About: This era began with the events leading to the first big Epic update, which kept getting delayed. It was originally planned in April 2006, but wasn't made official until the 1st of October 2006. With this transition also came a new forum, which opened on the 17th of October 2006.

I'm not particularly sure what was going on with the plot at the time, though I do know the .hack saga was held around here. Someone should help fill this in. DO IT.

EPIC v2.5 (Spring 2007 - June 2008)

Notable Characters: I dunno.
Owners: Bishop, Jared, Dave

About: This time in Epic is held to have begun with the first system reset. Yep. Most of the plot events in this era involved the Janus Saga (Another Black), though other events such as July 2007's Demon Palace Tournament also took place. On 20 June 2007, the Old Wiki was opened. The first Vacant Sky Act 1 beta was released on 6 August 2007, and would mark the halfway point to Act I's completion. Near the end of this era, a pretty awesome dude came to Epic. I mean Tyler, of course.

In the Spring of 2008, Orichalcum was removed from the game. Justin, who had gathered up quite a lot of the stuff, threw a fit and demanded compensation for this terrible loss. He didn't get any.

Bishop, on 2 June 2007:
"Funny story. Epic [v2.5]'s first spar was yesterday and I survived with 2 HP left. Edge (my opponent)'s last attack had a 10% chance of KO and it rolled a 10. But my race is immune to instant KO. Owned."

EPIC v2.6 and v2.7 (July 2008 - March 2009)

Notable Characters: Seijun, Siliya, Sailerius, Elentra, Luffy, Seth, Aaron, Yusuke, Hiei, Iota.
Owners: Bishop, Jared, Dave, Seth (Starting 14 February 2009), Aaron (Starting 14 February 2009)

About: On the morning of the first of July 2008, Justin was banned. There was much celebrating at this, and people set out to begin changing some of the stuff Justin messed up in his time. This was consdered enough of a change to be considered a new period in Epic's history.

In the later summer months, Bishop began a campaign to attempt to get more members into Epic. This worked on occasion, adding a few new people, but few of them actually stayed around and got into the community. As for the plot in this time, Seth attempted to start a Dark Tower Saga, and kind of stopped. The Clay battles continued, but got nowhere for a while. In late October, the August Games were held, followed by the Only Impact Saga in November. Dave held a Fallout Saga through the winter, and Jared attempted another Thuwadian Civil War, which amounted to nothing.

In the way of RPG Maker games, there were two releases. On October 1st, Tyler released Seth, Aaron, and Janell's Adventure for Steak, also known as Steak Game, and all was well. In March or April, the first act of Vacant Sky was released after three years of development.

This is around the time that Nick joined for good. Important because he has the power to edit his name into the article, and is totally awesome.

As this time in Epic progressed, it became more and more clear that the current Owner system had some problems. Many things would require a 3/3 Owner approval or 2/3 Owner and 3/3 Supermod approval. The problem here was that oftentimes, Jared (and later Dave) would not be around very often, and many times Seth and Aaron would be the only two Supermods. On the 14th of February 2009, the mods and supermods were disbanded, and Seth and Aaron were promoted to Owner, bringing the total to five Owners. This change in Epic came rather late in this era, so it is kept with the former for convenience, and because I'm lazy.

Shortly after this, on 21 February, people celebrated as Another Black finally ended, and everyone was allowed to move on with their lives. Sailerius APPARENTLY died forever in the Clay fight, but we all knew he'd be back. (Sailerius is a dick.)

EPIC v3.0 and v3.1 (March 2009 - September 2009)

Notable Characters: Weapon, Elentra, Marianne, Rosalie, Victor, Kasch, Seth, Aaron, Chess, Earth, Eira, Jacob, Enos, Luffy, Nick Cobalt, Iota, Roxas, Gin(toki), Oujou I, Oujou II, Oujou III, Oujou IV, Oujou V, Oujou Nuevo, Final Oujou
Owners: Bishop, Jared, Dave, Seth, Aaron

About: In March of 2009, it was decided that the battle system in Epic needed tuning up to remain relevant. Among the changes proposed at the time were the beginnings of the movement system as proposed by Bishop, and the new Vital Hit system as proposed by James. While movement remained in the testing stages for another few months, it was developed and used during this time, with Vital Hit quickly being made official on its own, so this was considered the start of a new version for Epic.

Along with this, a new Terms of Service was written for Epic near the end of April. While some parts of it did settle important rules, others just deepened players' confusion, which would later on cause people to question if it was really needed. Meanwhile, debates and work on the movement system went for months. Despite numerous tests, not all of the Owners were convinced that it should be officially implemented. On the 7th of June, a player referendum was held to decide on it, and the system was officially ratified on the 14th.

As for plot, the beginning of the Drowning Swords Saga began to take hold, and in June, a tournament was held by Kasch Blackwood. The Nero Resurrection Saga also took place here, lasting from May to August. It was initially well recieved, but by the end it just caused headaches for all involved. Oh, and Sailerius came back as well, now fused with a god. Meanwhile, a sequel to Steak Game, Seth, Aaron, and Janell Find Waldo, was released on 3 July 2009.

In late August 2009, a system reset and partial plot retcon by means of the game being moved to a new universe were announced to be going into effect on the first of October, along with some system changes. Thus, the third version of Epic ended up being fairly short-lived.

Fourth Generation (New Epic) (2009 - 2017)

EPIC v4.0 (October 2009)

Notable Characters: Bill, Sora, Rosalie, Nick, Iota, Lucia, Marianne, Siliya, Aaron, Celice
Owners: Bishop, Jared, Dave, Seth, Aaron

About: In October, Epic was reset in accordance with a massive overhaul of the system, including the long-awaited excision of unchanging stats and technique tiers. Technique-making, item-making, and transformation-making were streamlined to function on the same basic system. Traits and Keystones were introduced, the latter remaining without a name for a while. The game was briefly renamed from EPIC: Become a Legend to EPIC: Path of Ascension, though this was reverted at the end of the month.

Despite this, there were still numerous problems that people had with the new system. Unfortunately, at the time, the staff was rather busy getting everything working as is, and complaints were temporarily moved off to the side. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

In addition to the reset, Epic moved into an alternate universe and jumped two years ahead into the future, marking the beginning of what was intended to be Epic's first truly unified storyline. The saga Lia's Canon was started to begin revealing details about the story, but it ended rather abruptly, as other events got in the way and brought this era to an quick end.

EPIC v4.NOTSUCK (November 2009 - March 2010)

Notable Characters: Bill, Rosalie, Nick, Iota, Marianne, Siliya, Aaron, Celice, Bayonetta
Owners: Jared, Dave, Seth, Aaron, Greg (November to January)

About: On 27 October 2009, Bishop quit Epic for personal reasons. This would have been fine and all if he hadn't decided to close the forum and Wiki as he left. Over the next few days, the members worked to rebuild what was lost, greatly helped by Greg having saved many of the important Wiki pages a few days earlier, just in case. The group temporarily found shelter on the appropriately-named forum The Fallout Shelter, but Nick soon made a brand new forum for Epic to reside on, where the game remained for nearly two years.

In the wake of the recent events, the Owners finally got around to fixing various problems from v4.0, leading to Alicia dubbing the era v4.NOTSUCK. It took some time, but it eventually reached a point where at least a good amount of the members were satisfied with the changes. Not everyone saw eye to eye, but Epic stayed together surprisingly well. Meanwhile, Greg briefly joined on to fill the fifth Owner spot, before leaving in January after his stay in the army was over. After that, the Owners lowered the necessary number of Owners down to four.

A few sagas and events found their home in this era, including The Bratwurst Prophecy, The Gaian Wars, and Veil of Unknowing. However, Saw was the word of the day during this time, as Kevin1 put forth a series of Saw quests. People enjoyed them for a time, but by the end everyone just got tired of them, leading to a period of two months of inactivity in Epic. For a short time, little happened.

EPIC v4.AWESOME (April 2010 - March 2011)

Notable Characters: Bill, Rosalie, Shyalee, Nick, Iota, Marianne, Nyogotha, Aaron, Celice, Earth, Sye, Jolene, Michael/Streea, Philip, Luffy, Cormac, Adiel, Titania
Owners: Jared, Dave, Aaron, Seth (Until February)

About: At the start of April, Epic swung back into full force with a series of new RPs, with new enthusiasm from the players and Owners alike. The amount of activity in Epic quickly began to rise, along with the brief return of Greg and full joining of Steve, and by the end of July Epic was at its most active since February 2009.

In the way of plot, Jared and Kristen held the Faerie/Zombie War Saga from May to July, which helped seed along the RPs of the time as well. After numerous delays, Tyler held the Ivory Arch Tournament in June, which was followed by Aaron's Black Rock Tournament in July. The Black Rock Tournament attempted both to be an RP-Only tournament, mixing in a saga linked with the tournament (a concept Aaron had long wanted to do), and a new plot arc began through this.

Meanwhile, Epic began to use Skype from time to time as a different way for the group to hang out, and much fun was had. The end of summer was approaching, and new details about the Two Year Gap plot arc finally began to show up on the horizon. All in all, things were good for the game at the time.

There was a short time in late 2010 where the game moved slowly, with more sporadic sagas, such as the Hunters Saga, and at the end of the year, Seth, Aaron, and Janell Save the Universe was finally released. As January began, however, things sped up again with far more RPs and sagas, including the multi-person board quest Marcel Gets Angry, and the Book of Quests Arc.

By February, activity was at a peak potentially higher than mid-2010, although Seth had to be removed as an Owner for inactivity. However, tensions were beginning to run high. There were two new members, and not everyone was completely happy with this. Furthermore, arguments were beginning to break out, often between Jared and Tyler. But despite this, activity remained through March, with the 41st Battle Royale and the 2323 Olympiad. But activity began to slow by March's end, and events soon transpired which threatened to end Epic in its prime.

EPIC v4.PROBLEMS (April 2011 - June 2011)

Owners: Jared, Dave, Aaron

About: The story of the fall of v4 is a long one, but in fairness to all involved is best kept fairly brief. By the end of March 2011, Jared and Tyler were clearly not fans of each other, having broken out into arguments every so often which had also annoyed other members of Epic as well, with Nick leaving because of Jared, and Dave going on an extended break because of Tyler. Things were at a tipping point for Jared in particular, but it seemed the thing that would push him over the edge wasn't from Tyler at all.

Jared had wanted to bring back Nation Games, an event from earlier times of Epic where nations would be pitted against each other. Most people with nations agreed to join, but two nation owners in particular refused to join: Aaron and Alicia. Jared, having wanted everyone to participate, was not pleased. A few days later, he announced he would be quitting Epic in June to start a new game modelled after Nation Games. People were saddened by this, but ultimately chose to respect the decision, partially because they believed he'd come back eventually.

By the end of April, because Dave was still gone, all decisions rested on Aaron and Jared both working together. Aaron was doing a ton of work, but Jared hadn't had much free time to help out, so very little got done. A number of people called for Jared to be removed as an Owner, since he would be giving up the position in two months anyway, and this way things could actually be finished, but nothing could be done about it.

Tired of this, in early May Tyler got the go-ahead from Aaron to make a post about this. However, this post inadvertently only inflamed the issue further by angering Jared, despite Greg's attempts to calm everyone down. While those involved agreed that no one was to blame for it, it was decided by Aaron and Dave to suspend Tyler for two weeks in the hopes that this would work better to calm down both Tyler and Jared. Tyler argued against his suspension over the next week to the point that Dave decided to remove Tyler entirely for the time being.

Tyler and a few others were not satisifed with the reasons given for his removal, and they decided to leave the game until he was allowed back. However, Jared was tired of the situation and refused to budge on his part of it even if Tyler met the points Aaron gave for returning, which tied the hands of everyone involved. Feeling he wasn't being given a fair say, as the Owners refused to discuss it further, Tyler sent a message regarding his side of the situation to the others by hijacking the main page of the wiki. However, this just had the effect of the Owners no longer wanting to deal with everyone's complaints on either side of the situation any further, and they made a decision.

Aaron announced that the Owners and a few others were leaving Epic and making a new game, Arcane Legacy, which was essentially Epic with a name change, using a new forum set up by Aaron a few weeks prior as a backup. A few days later, on the morning of July 7th, Aaron and Jared closed the original Epic forum without warning. (Fortunately, Tyler had forseen this due to Bishop doing the same thing in 2009, and saved nearly every topic on the forum as a precaution.) On the same morning, the remaining Epic members opened a new forum for Epic v5 as an alternative, but it would take major reworking for the new version of the game to not meet an early end.

EPIC v5.0 (July 2011 - February 2012)

Staff: Isabel, Tyler, Greg

About: Much like the transitionary period between CCCoH and Epic, and the first months of Epic v1.0, this was essentially a period for repairing and reorganizing the game. Progress was slow, hampered by Greg's eventual disappearance, but a number of long-time problems with the game were finally fixed, as the initial v5 changes had started just before the preceding problems broke out, and were finally completed during this period.

Despite the schism that formed at first between some parts of the old group, though, a light began to shine at the end of the tunnel after a few months. In January 2012, Jared and Tyler finally apologized to each other for the problems they had both previously caused, ending one of the longest-running tensions through the game.

In way of plot, due to the transitionary nature of this era, only a few things got done, such as the ending to the Book of Quests Arc, and the related story changes that came with it, such as the temporary closing off of travel to Earth while lore was finally hammered out for both planets, and Dragonoa being temporarily locked in Jared's absence. Additionally, a small RPG Maker game named The Tale of Craig Delling was released by Tyler in November, set in Epic's continuity. It wasn't until the next section of the game's history where the story finally picked back up, as the game finished its early updates and started rebuilding.

EPIC v5.REBUILD (March 2012 - December 2012)

Notable Characters: Enos, Jolene, Cordelia, Adrien, Mortimer, Verinne, Sye, Karr, Truth/Stranger
Staff: Isabel, Tyler, Robert (Temporarily filling in for Greg in his absence)

About: The next section of Epic's life began as RPs slowly began to start happening again in March of 2012. At first, only Tyler, Isabel, and Robert remained, as Greg had gone missing (other than a brief return in August), but things picked up as DS and Daniel joined in the Spring. Lore was finally completed for all of Disparatus' major nations for the first time in many years, and new ones were added.

One new addition was Isabel's space nation of Polaris, where the major AIM Saga of this part of Epic was held, Panic in Polaris. The idea of forum-based sagas from v3 popped back up around this time as well, with Tyler starting the Slotheim Manor saga in late July, althouh it would last until February of the next year. Not much combat occurred here, but the Never Again Spar was held in the summer, regarded by all to have been a horrible idea.

In the way of the game's system, Rare Equipment was finally added back into the game during this period, and Equipment Upgrades were created after being planned for three years. Many minor issues were fixed around this time as well, such as passive tweaks, Overload being added to Awakening, and Races being finished up. Keystones also recieved additional Affinity effects at this time, giving them more uses.

As 2012 came to a close, Epic was stable again for the first time since the end of v4, but it was still missing a certain something. If only it had its old playerbase back...

EPIC v5.RETURN (January 2013 - August 2013)

Notable Characters: Sam, Luci, K.I.D., Siliya, Rosalie, Enos, Jolene, Alexander, Roxy, Lucas, Coen, Adrien, Verinne, Sye, Stranger, Ganchi, Ánië, Kulimar, Seraxel
Staff: Isabel, Tyler, Greg

About: Something fantastic happened as 2013 began. Nick returned to Epic, bringing Aaron back to the game alongside him. Soon after, both Clara and Kon joined the game in February, along with a brief reappearance from Steve, and Alicia returned with Kristen in early March. Both Greg and Kevin1 made their return in April, and Kevin2 and Jared showed up again in June. Janell and James also briefly appeared again that summer, but soon went off on their own again.

With so many new and returning members, the game began to bustle with activity. In addition to the conclusion to the Slotheim Manor saga, Tyler held the Forsaken Lands saga in February and March, followed by Isabel's Strange Magic saga running from April to July, starting an unusual trend of side-RPs linked to a larger saga. System updates finally hit their peak around this time, including a number of racial updates that eventually finished most passives, bringing the main v5 changes to a slowdown.

Forum-based Sagas grew in popularity with the rise of people being less able to meet up at the same time regularly for sagas, leading to Tyler's murder mystery Cold Trail from April to June, and Robert's Earth-reopening Eye of the Storm beginning in July after much Earth lore was finally completed. Other events in this era included the partial re-opening of Dragonoa as Jared returned and began to work on it again, and Kristen's brief Into the Book Saga, which was cut off as she unfortunately lost her notes.

August saw the arrival of the Black Rock Tournament of 2325, the first tournament in Epic in nearly two and a half years. Despite issues getting it organized, the whole thing brought everone together in one big group event for the first time in a long while, and ended with a surprisingly high number of unusual battle endings, including one fight decided by two insanely low dice rolls in a row, two Double KOs late in the tournament, and a three-person battle royale finale.

The close of the tournament at the end of August is generally held to be the end of this section of the game, due both to the system changes needed after all of the battles that had been fought, and Greg's replacement on Staff by Aaron around this time.

EPIC v5.ALLTHERPS (September 2013 - June 2014)

Notable Characters: later okay
Staff: Isabel, Tyler, Aaron (29 August 2013 to 20 January 2014), Kristen (Beginning 20 January 2014)

About: Following the close of the Black Rock Tournament of 2325, the game briefly slowed down, but only slightly. Things were still rather active, including such events as the start of Greg's Corporate Issue III, Kevin1's The Haunting of Helshire Mansion, and Isabel's Errors in Patterns. Where things really kicked off in this era, however, was the start of 2014.

Unfortunately, this kickoff did not come without a price. Before things could truly begin, Aaron had to leave for basic training, giving his temporary goodbye with his two part Year Zero Saga, set in a parallel universe to New Epic. As Aaron left for the next few months, Kristen was voted in as the newest member of staff.

With the gap in staff filled, the one-man gap in membership was filled by a new player, Katie. While only in the game for just over three months, joining at the start of February and leaving in the middle of May, Katie managed to drive incredible interest in starting new Free RPs, spiking activity to a degree never before seen in Epic's history. Out of the incredible 164 Free RPs in this era, 128 of them were held in the four month span from February to May, 54 of which were in March.

Of course, such levels of activity rarely go without gameplay changes, and this time was no different. Both the start and end of this era featured the second and third iterations of "Fixing the Game" topics, where a large number of minor gameplay changes were discussed en masse, mainly as a result of rebalancing things after battles. The most notable change was the death of the dreaded Double Heal, an exploit discovered during Black Rock where high-DEF characters could potentially outrace all possible damage by healing themselves twice in a single turn. Other changes included rebalancing Status Effects, finally fixing explosives, and the merger of the Scripting skill into the Enchantment skill.

After Katie left, things slowed slightly, even despite Aaron's return around the same time. While the system side of things shifted focus to Isabel and Tyler's ideas for new Weapons, and Kristen's Sorcery ideas, the RPs slowed down, although they didn't quite stop just yet. With only six Free RPs in June, things felt quiet after the high activity of previous months. However, even June would seem exceptionally active in retrospect when compared to the months to come...

EPIC v5.HIATUS (July 2014 - January 2015)

Staff: Isabel, Tyler, Kristen

About: Following the explosion of RPs in the first half of the year, the second half of 2014 showed some very clear burnout across Epic. From July to December, only two Free RPs and four Quests were held, the last of which was in early August. This was followed by a five month period of essentially no activity, which was the longest since the seven month period of no activity three years prior.

Further fueling the inactivity was the lack of able participation by a number of players. Kristen and Alicia were essentially without consistent internet through much of the second half of the year, coupled with them both being busy with school and work. Aaron was still busy in the Navy, and had little time to RP, officially dropping from the game in mid-January, although he remained in chat to hang out. Jared briefly took a leave from Epic from August to November, and Clara fully left the game herself in September. With Greg and Daniel's appearances sporadic at best, Isabel, DS, and Tyler were the only ones around, and they decided to put the game on hold until things could come back together.

Fortunately, things worked out once 2015 arrived. Kristen and Alicia got internet back, Jared had already returned, and both Greg and Daniel were appearing more frequently. RPs picked up again, and quests were scheduled, including Epic's 10th anniversary RP. Work even returned to the game's system, as the staff went to work projects planned and suspended back in August. With characters reaching level 30 during the summer, plans were made to overhaul the leveling system with one where players used EXP to buy upgrades for their characters, along with a revamped version of battle maps known as Zones. By the end of January, EXP Buy was completed, greatly overhauling the system, and the game moved on to v6.

Despite the lack of content in this period of Epic, there were a few notable events in the game. July and August saw the start of the Secrets in Banivia Saga, along with the forum-based King Keystone Competition, although both were put on hold with the rest of the game, picking up early the next year. Additionally, the 10th anniversary RP saw the coronation of Prince Sigmund Magnusson of Svaldon, the first change in Svaldon's leader since its lore was written up for Old Epic many years before. This RP would be the last of v5, as EXP Buy was finished less than a week later, giving way to the next era of Epic's history...

EPIC v6.0 (January 2015 - November 2015)

Notable Characters: later okay
Staff: Isabel, Tyler, Kristen

About: Epic v6 began on 26 January 2015, with the approval of the EXP Buy system for leveling up.

add more to this later

(Included Eastmas 2, the second half of Secrets in Banivia, most of King Keystone, and all of Anurdain Rise.)

EPIC v6.FINALE (December 2015 - May 2017)

Notable Characters: Sye, Roxy, Lucas, Mortimer, Rydia, Rosaliana
Staff: Isabel, Tyler, Kristen

About: big final stretch

add more to this later

(Included the last few pages of King Keystone, the 2328 Olympiad, and the year-and-a-half long RP-based untitled Nameless Ones saga.)

The End (June 2017 - December 2017)

About: By the middle of 2017, it was clear that Epic was once again losing steam, as only Clara, Rob, and Tyler were still playing. However, Epic had survived worse than this before, and it was assumed that the game would pick back up in time. Whether that would be the case or not would never be known, though, as in June 2017, AIM finally ended chatroom service on its platform, making group RPs impossible. Although plans were kicked about regarding moving things to Discord, they kept getting delayed due to low motivation. If this wasn't enough, in July it was announced that Invisionfree, the service which had hosted Epic for a decade, would be merged into Tapatalk in November, revamping and redesigning all existing forums. While Epic's forum would still exist, the redesign completely transformed the familiar layout. As if to hammer in that an era truly was coming to a close, on October 6th it was announced that AIM would be shutting down entirely on December 15th of that year, signalling an end to Epic's long-held hosting platforms.

And so, rather than being forced to limp onward, the players finally let the game die out, with the forum and wiki remaining as a monument to its long history. While there's always a possibility that the game will return to life one day, for now this is the end to its decade and a half long story.

(Last Major Update: 26 January 2015.)