Hawks Are Assholes

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Title Hawks Are Assholes
Number Free RP #315
Date 30 & 31 January 2016
Players Clara, Tyler
Characters Lucas, Sye
Setting United Provinces, Disparatus

Timeline Summary

In a city in the Provinces, while Lucas and his girlfriend are attempting to safely release a baby rabbit, it gets stolen by a hawk. As he runs to the city park to rescue it, he runs into Sye. They team up to catch the hawk while discussing Lucas' disappearance during the Banivian incident, and how Lucas lost an arm in the intervening time. They find the hawk, and Sye uses his Laquir in an attempt to grab it. He slingshots up, but misses the hawk, and Lucas uses a Tincture of Icarus to make up for it. Unfortunately, the rabbit is killed, and Sye reassures Lucas before they part ways.


  • First (unnamed) mention of Rydia.