Difficulty Level

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Difficulty Level is a factor in certain skill checks to determine the difficulty of the action being performed. When applicable, Difficulty Level ranges between 0 and 10, adding +10 to the number to beat for every 1 DL.

Here's an example of how Difficulty Level might be determined, using Speechcraft in this case to demonstrate. In the end, it's the decision of the current GM/Ref/Staff. If there's a dispute, the decision is made by the highest ranking person that isn't involved.

0 DL is for minor things, usually persuasion. "Get me a soda", "Shut up", "Go bother someone else."
1-3 DL is for more major things, such as trying to quell a heated fight or to convince someone when there's evidence against you.
Use common sense for 4-5 DL, which would be for asking someone to do something that they strongly disagree with.
Be very careful with using DL 6+. DL 10 is supposed to be virtually impossible. Anything above DL 5 is extreme, as that's at least a -60 penalty on their Speechcraft roll.

Physical: AthleticsStealthStrength
Mental: AwarenessHarvestingPerceptionWillpower
Social: CharismaDeceitSpeechcraft
Craft: BlacksmithingChemistryEnchantmentEngineeringGunsmithing
Special: Angelic RunesInfernal Runes