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Credits are the standard form of currency in Epic, used as the primary currency across Disparatus and Polaris. They are also accepted in every nation on Earth, although some of them do have currencies of their own.

The Credit was first introduced in 1795 AE following lengthy negotiations between the United Provinces, Svaldon, and Shunai Handora, where the three nations agreed to officially consolidate their currencies into one shared currency. While Ostfold officially adopted it upon its independence from the Provinces 44 years later, having already used it during its time as a Provincian colony, the remaining three major nations of Disparatus took some time before joining these four.

Alibaas adopted the Credit in 1936 AE, just a few years after the ratification of the nation's current constitution. Dragonoa was next to follow, adopting it in 2156 AE. The Arenan Alliance was the last to adopt the Credit, not doing so until 2217 AE, following the reconstruction period that came after the Arenan Civil War.

There is a smaller denomination of Credits known as Decicredits, 10 of which making up one Credit, but they're very rarely used.

In comparison to US Dollars in real life, 10 Credits seem to be about equal to 1 US Dollar.