Contemplating the Weird

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Title Contemplating the Weird
Number Free RP #313
Date 14 July 2015
Players Clara, Greg
Characters Lucas, Kid
Setting United Provinces, Disparatus

Timeline Summary

Kid tracks Lucas to a bus stop. Lucas apologizes for not being in touch since last spring. Kid mentions communication with Liberty's Reach has gone dark. He notes Jewel is staying in Arena, and that he found out how to possibly unlock his memories by dying for a few minutes. Lucas mentions how he used Keystones to bring Wadim back to life a year ago. Kid wants to grow tomatoes. Lucas talks about how Roxy is doing, and mentions the daughter of a family friend is sick from an illness that sprung up in the past few weeks. The pair speculate on it and exchange numbers. Lucas suggests Kid speak with Sye about Keystones, and asks him to apologize for leaving without saying anything last year.


  • This Free RP was originally titled "Bus Stop Musings", but was changed to be less similar to Crowded Bus Stop.
  • While not outright stated, it's implied that the illness plot is related to the Ingenium storyline from a February of the previous year.