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Nation Republic of Castor
Planet Disparatus
Government Unitary Republic
Motto "Sacrifice Makes All Stronger"
National color(s) Green and Silver
Population Approx. 100,000
Demographics 47% Alibaas, 44% Human (Mostly Handoran), 5% Thuwadian, 4% Other
Location Southwest of Alibaas, east of Handora
Primary Languages Alibaas, Handoran, Universal
Founded 1645 AE
Capital Pollux
Owner Tyler

For centuries, the island of Castor had been a point of contention between the Great Handoran Empire and the southern Alibaas of the Korjom tribe. It was the most signifigant island in the open ocean between the two nations, and neither wanted to give up control of it. In the early 17th Century, the major groups of Alibaas finally consolidated themselves into one nation, and were soon able to turn more of their efforts against the weakening Empire's claims over the island.

In 1645 AE, the Alibaas Republic initiated a military operation to take control of Castor with their now-united military's full attention. However, the people of Castor neither needed nor wanted the help of the mainland Alibaas. The island had by this point become a political piece rather than a place of actual control for either nation. The Handoran and Alibaas militaries hadn't actually fought at Castor itself in many, many years, and the Humans and Alibaas there had become self-sustaining and friendly toward each other.

The people of Castor fought for control of the island, and the Alibaas, having not expected to be fighting what they considered their own citizens or people using completely different tactics than the Handorans would have, suffered a humiliating defeat. The people of Castor, despite fairly sizable losses on their side as well, had achieved a victory nonetheless, and from then on considered themselves an independent nation, and later drew up a more official form of government for themselves. The Alibaas, meanwhile, quietly buried news of the event and decided to leave Castor be, not wanting the incident to be brought up again.

Today, Castor is a republic comprised of nearly equal numbers of Alibaas and Handoran Humans, and is most well-known for its strong emphasis on cross-racial sports.