Alibaas (Nation)

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Nation Alibaas
Planet Disparatus
Government Constitutional Republic
Motto "May life flourish in all things."
National color(s) Green, Yellow, and Black
Population Approx. 120,000,000
Demographics 89% Alibaas, 6% Human, 5% Other
Location Northern Hemisphere. Immediately south of Ostfold. East of Handora, north of Dragonoa.
Primary Languages Alibaas
Founded Unknown time prior to 0 AE as varied Alibaas tribes ; 1608 AE as the Alibaas Confederation ; 1617 AE as the Alibaas Republic ; 1930 AE as Alibaas
Capital Joribaus (Executive), Mosarra (Legislative), The Great Tree (Religious)
Owner Aaron
If you are looking for the race of the same name, see Alibaas (Race).


Alibaas is the oldest nation on Disparatus, having existed in some form for at least the past 2,500 years. It is also the second-smallest of the seven major nations of Disparatus, along with having the second-lowest population of the seven, both ahead of only Svaldon.

The climate of Alibaas is mostly tropical or subtropical, with temperate regions in the north. Much of the tropical and subtropical regions are covered in a thick jungle that dominates much of the nation. However, the temperate north is more known for its vast plains and mountain ranges leading into the northernmost peninsula.


The current system of government in Alibaas, as established in 1930 AE, calls for three branches of government (Executive, Legislative, and Religious), each with their own national capitals which play host to them.

The Executive Branch, hosted in Joribaus, carries out the usual duties of such a branch, and is headed by a President. The President serves 4-year terms, with elections being held in October. When the office was established in 1930, there were no term limits. However, a three-term (or 12-year, whichever comes first) limit was imposed in 2179. The current President of Alibaas is Jahs Serdiim, who was elected to his third and final term in 2326.

The Legislative Branch, hosted in Mosarra and known as the National Assembly of Alibaas, is a unicameral legislature currently consisting of 237 seats. Terms for members of the National Assembly are three years long, with no limit on the number of terms a member can serve.

The Religious Branch of the government is hosted at the Great Tree of Alibaas, which has traditionally been its religious center for thousands of years.

Presidents of Alibaas

The following are various notable President of Alibaas from the establishment of the office in 1930 to the present.

  • Finam Olmaas (1930 - 1942): First President of Alibaas.
  • Sanahl Rismaar (2122 - 2141): Longest-serving President of Alibaas, serving for 19 years before dying near the end of his fifth term.
  • Dernas Hinar (2314 - 2318)
  • Jahs Serdiim (2318 - Present): Current President of Alibaas. Cannot run for re-election in 2330.


The Alibaas military is mainly a political and historical holdover, as they have not been a major part of any military conflict outside of their own borders for as long as anyone can remember. The main purpose of the Alibaas military is for quelling uprisings by some of the few remaining rebel tribes outside of the government's control.

Foreign Relations

Foreign relations for the Alibaas are fairly minimal compared to other nations, mostly focused on a handful of Alibaas-based companies for timber and produce. They also share relations with Svaldon, dating back to their collaboration in using enchantments for space travel.

Alibaas has a historically poor relationship with Dragonoa, the two nations having been at each other's throats for centuries. The last major bout between Alibaas and Dragonoa was in the 2270s, but relations remain tense to this day.


Early History

Unfortunately, not much is known about the history of the Alibaas continent and its people prior to the Great Exodus in 0 AE. As far back as can be accounted for, though, it seems that the tribes of Alibaas had been warring with each other, mostly over territory and food. These early tribes are generally held as the earliest versions of the Alibaas nation, with some of them actually having their own early systems of government.

Some of these early tribes even ventured out across the vast seas toward Laa Buillo and what would later be Handora. Some of the Laa Buillo tribes remained there until the Great Exodus, but the fate of the Handoran tribes remains unknown, with only ruins in the southern Handoran jungles remaining.

By 0 AE, a few of the Alibaas tribes had begun forming pacts and even alliances with each other, some even merging together as a means of being better able to fight off other tribes. However, to this time the tribes were still mostly seperate and had poor relations with each other.

The Joribaus Pact

The arrival of the people from Umbra Terra in 0 AE brought the first signs of change to the Alibaas people, as the Orkans travelled to the continent around 7 AE and opened relations with some of the northern Alibaas tribes.

In 23 AE, the Orkans drafted the Joribaus Pact as an agreement between Orka and the Orkan-friendly Alibaas tribes. Through the Pact, the tribes agreeing to it would ally with each other and Orka to together defeat the remaining tribes of the continent.

The alliance seemed to work well at first, but the rebelling tribes eventually pushed the fighting back to a stalemate, and by 32 AE the campaign ended in failure. However, in spite of this, many of the northern tribes did keep up some of the good relations with each other that they had under the Pact.

The Great Alibaas War

See article: The Great Alibaas War

Changing Relations

The Alibaas mostly kept to themselves for a time after the end of the war, although after a few decades they did re-enter some minor relations with the Orkans, ending with the Fall of Orka in 305 AE.

Over time, the feelings and attitudes of the Alibaas tribes had begun to change, and they were more open to trade with the Humans and even each other, far more than they were in the past. Many of the tribes formed stronger alliances, but as a consequence the tribal warring became more centralized and focused.

Through this warring, tribes slowly conquered each other or joined together until only three major entities remained aside from some minor tribes, with the three having formed what were essentially nations: The Joribaus Alliance to the north (Which was the decendant of the tribes from the Joribaus Pact), the Bau Republic to the east (Which had stylized itself after the other nations of Disparatus), and the Korjom Tribe to the south (Which focused itself around the Great Tree of Alibaas).

The Alibaas Confederation and Republic

The three major groups of Alibaas became locked in little more than another stalemate for the next few centuries, now picking and choosing their battles rather than engaging in constant open warfare. Although each gained and lost land from each other over time, none were able to completely overpower the others.

All of this finally ended in 1608 with the Alibaas Treaty, where under pressure from nations threatening an invasion of the land, the three groups formed an alliance against potential invaders, merging their governments to become the Alibaas Confederation.

As part of the Treaty, there was no single central government in the Confederation, with each of the three former governments forming an equal part of the way the Confederation was run. Despite this, relations remained unstable, and outside nations had little faith in the union's stability.

The Confederation was put to its true test in 1615, as Alibaas agents of the United Provinces fueled the flames of the south's not entirely unfounded beliefs that their section of the government was not being treated quite as equally as the other two.

Revolution nearly threatened to tear apart the Confederation until the other two sections of government, seeing that such an event would likely lead to invasion from foreign nations while they were left weakened, proposed drafting a full constitution for the Confederation, in which each of the three regions would get equal councils which would work off each other to run the united nation, with each council led by a Chief President of the Council, the successor to the Chieftain role of the tribes.

The governments reached an agreement, and the First Alibaas Constitution was ratified in 1617. Through it, the Confederation was also rebranded as the Alibaas Republic, to make clear the change in government and stronger union formed through this. While things did remain shaky internally for a time, the Provinces backed off in their attempts, and the Republic was left to itself.

Modern Alibaas

The republic worked for a time, but after three hundred years, problems had arisen. Many believed that the three identical and strictly structured councils had become unnecessary over time, as the old groups they had been made to appease were no longer around. Furthermore, the rather spiritual Alibaas people believed that the rites of Alibaas religion should be more than a mere footnote in the way the nation was run, especially when one part of the government was already hosted at the Great Tree.

This eventually led to the drafting of the Second Alibaas Constitution in 1930, which began the current three-branch system of government in the nation, with each of the three former regional council capitals serving as a seat to one of the three branches of government in the nation. Furthermore, the nation was renamed simply to Alibaas as a way of showing the intended new unity of the people.

After this, little has changed with the Alibaas nation to the present day. Even today there are tribes among the nation's jungles and plains which keep away from the national government and run themselves, but for the most part the nation's fighting has calmed, leaving Alibaas a vastly different land than it had been in the past in that regard. While many of the more inland areas tend to lean on the tribal side, maintaining their old way of life, most of the coastline is quite modernized, due to heavy influence from the other nations of Disparatus, along with much of the northern and far eastern regions of the nation.


The Alibaas government officially endorses a single religion, to the extent that it is actually part of the way their goverment is run.

The Alibaas relgion focuses around the spirits which inhabit all life, known as Bau, with trees being said to be the primary source of these spirits, drawing them from the sky so that they could travel to the earth. The Great Tree of Alibaas, the largest tree on Disparatus, is held in great regard because of this, and is host to the religious branch of the Alibaas government.

Notable Locations

Joribaus - The largest and oldest city in Alibaas, Joribaus is home to the executive branch of the Alibaas government.

Mosarra - The second-largest city in Alibaas, and the host of the legislative branch of the Alibaas government. It's well known for the towering tree-grown spires that dominate its skyline.

The Great Tree of Alibaas - The religious center of the nation, the Great Tree is the largest tree on Disparatus, and is the primary source of Ojo Sap, a major reagent in enchantments.

Launran - A port city founded by Human merchants nearly two millenia ago as a central landing area for trade which has grown to be one of the nation's most recognizable ports. It features a blend of Provincian and Alibaas architecture, with the large steel buildings of the coast slowly becoming more traditional rustic Alibaas structures as one goes further inland.

(Unnamed Elf Village) - Alibaas contains the sole village of Elves on Disparatus, founded by Idril Arcamenel. Idril's daughter, Elentra Arcamenel, is currently running the village.

Alexandria - Located on the southernmost tip of Alibaas' southern landmass, and also known as the shining city. It is an unusual blend of Alibaas, Human, and Thuwadian architecture, but is more well-known for the way the sun would reflect off the coast and buildings themselves, making the city look like it glowed when viewed overhead.

South Seas - While normally not of note, an incident occurred during the Two Year Gap which rendered a small section of the sea immediately south of Alibaas unsafe for travel. While the affected area itself only includes a small number of islands, it has slightly impacted sea travel in the area.